Biographies Archive

Janyo Orderone
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Posted On
01/22/2007 at 01:46 AM
Author: Crispy. Posted At: 01/22/2007 at 01:46 AM
Name:Janyo "Crispy" Orderone
Age:advanced fifties
Height:6 feet
Weight:189 pounds
Profession:Smuggler,Arms dealing specialisation.

Appearance and Personality:

Janyo has carved yet seductive traits for his age and piercing blue eyes hidden under a river of black hair.His body is made of less muscle then in his youth yet he is sill fit enough to get involved in risky situations.He wears fake elegant clothing to feint being of the higher society, a scam he oftenly uses in his always failing quick get-rich schemes.He is extremely cynic and has a lot of wit.He considers life to be somewhat a bit of a waste of time and he passes most of his time drinking in the Nar Shaddaa Cantinas.

His ship, the Onyx blade, is the only thing he still keeps on living for besides money and adventure.Janyo is extremely cocky and sometimes pushes the limits of arrogance to never seen extents only to fit his own plans.To him,betrayal and crossing are as good as anything to get out of trouble.His survival will pass over the life of anyone else unless he can gain profits from it...or the person is a pretty lady.Strangely enough he possess a chevalresque spirit when it comes to saving damzels in distress, something he considers as an excellent hobby between two smuggling runs.

-Martial arts to a certain level

OOC:I'll do more later, i prefer to update my bio as i roleplay.