Biographies Archive

Kai Kadosa
Posted By
Kai Kadosa
Posted On
02/10/2007 at 08:28 PM
Author: Kai Kadosa. Posted At: 02/10/2007 at 08:28 PM
Name: Kai Kadosa
Rank: Last rank held was Commander, New Republic Fleet in the year 19ABY.

Age: 32
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6ft
Build: Heavily build but not overweight. Keeps himself in shape, but as I say, still heavily built.

Kadosa was born in the year 7BBY on the mining world of Hecht* - a planet in the Old Republic. His childhood was a happy one - his father, as the pilot of a freighter took him on trips to nighboring systems as a young child. His mother, who held down an adminesterial job in the planet's civil service always encouraged both Kadosa and his older brother (born 17BBY) to reach their full potential.

In the year before the Battle of Yavin, Kai's world was turned upside down when both his father and his older brother got word of the Rebellion against the Empire. Both being deeply moral men, they volunteered to do their bit to end tyranny in the Galaxy. His father died the following year in the assault on the Death Star, and his brother was killed sometime later when his patrol was ambushed by Imperial fighters.

Kadosa's mother, seeking to shelter him from the politics and violence of the galaxy, didn't tell him how his father and brother had died. He was told that they had died during a reactor accident on the freighter they were in.

Years later (5ABY), Kai's world was turned upside down once more, when a hit-squad of Ex-Imperial soldiers came knocking at the door of his family home. They had managed to obtain, through spies and diplomacy, a partial list of pilots in the old Rebellion. Seeking to get revenge for the disintigration of the Empire after the Battle of Endor (4ABY) they tracked down the families of Rebels. Unable to touch the ones on New Republic worlds, they stuck to punishing those on planets such as Hecht.

They took his mother away - and he never saw her again. Powerless to stop the veteran soldiers, even had he understood what was happening, he still felt guilty, years later, for not intervening more. The soldiers had wanted to take Kai too but their Commander stopped them, muttering something about the child being an innocent. During this incident, he found out the truth about how his father and brother had died.

Later, Kadosa appreciated the kindness shown to him by the Commander in not taking him - thus, from that point he grew up hating the Empire, but realising that there were good people serving in it.

Kai lived the rest of his childhood with his Father's sister and her family, who were unable to get the government authorities to investigate the actions of the Imperial Remenant and their soldiers.

As soon as he was old enough, he enlisted as an officer in the New Republic, swept up in a cloud of good feeling and optimism. Rising through the ranks, Kadosa was serving as the Executive Officer on a frigate in the year 19ABY when the New Republic crumbled. His hopes of achieving a command of his own shattered, he fled with some of his old crew before he could be captured. His anger at the ultimate victory of the Empire stayed with him though.

Together with some of his former shipmates, he became a mercenary and smuggler. He and his collegues, forgetting the pride they felt on graduating from the military academies of the Republic, forgetting the optimism and hope, have never forgot their hatred of the Empire. They are equally cynical, however, of the Galactic Coalition and what they see as it's pathetic stance against the Empire and inability to act as a force for Good in the Galaxy.

Now, though, Kadosa has heard whispers of a new Rebellion - a rebellion against the Empire. Choosing to follow his father's path and avenge his family, Kadosa is actively seeking out knowledge of this Rebellion.

* Storyline planet - don't bother looking in the planet list, cos it aint there.