Biographies Archive

Lord Krauser
Posted By
Lord Krauser
Posted On
02/25/2007 at 05:12 AM
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 05:12 AM
Name: Lord Krauser
Pseudonyms: "Shadow Wraith"
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 287 lbs.
Species: Unknown
Profession: Professional Assassin

Physical Description: Krauser is a very tall, well-built man, that would stand out in a crowd... which he why he only goes out at night. His skin is rather pale, matching his gray-black hair that trails down his back. His icy blue eyes are perhaps his most intimidating trait, as they tend to glow when in poor light. Krauser always wears black clothing, with an over-sized trench coat that is also black.

Traits/Characteristics: Although Krauser appears to be a very fair skinned, middle-aged human, he is in fact a species unknown, making his age impossible to determine by physical observation. Krauser does not enjoy socializing with others, which is why he performs his jobs at night. If he needs to get things done during the day, he has droids or underlings take care of them. He shows very little emotion, and seems especially resistant to becoming angry. He is very unforgiving, however, and disobedience or failure most often results in death. Although he does accept payment for his work, it is more of a pleasurable hobby for him rather than a way of life, which is probably why Krauser is so good at what he does. Krauser is also an exceptional swordsman, and has dealt with a fair share of Force users in his lifetime. Although he boasts physical strength and intelligence just slightly above that of the common man, he is not force sensitive. The most unique of his abilities, however, is his natural talent to blend in with dark environments. His ability can rival that of a Defel, and it is a talent he uses often in his travels and assassinations.

Brief History: Sometime prior to the Clone Wars, Krauser came into the service of Darth Sidious, but how this came to be is unknown, as is any of Krauser's history prior to this point. Krauser's existence as a "Hand" of Palpatine was unusual, mainly due to the fact that he is not Force-sensitive like Mara Jade. Palpatine seemed to accept him for a man of exceptional skill when it came to killing his targets, and the fact that Krauser was very ruthless and unforgiving in manner. The most logical reason for why Palpatine took Krauser on as a Hand was hit unique ability to blend in with a dark environment like a Defel, yet he was human in appearance. It is doubtful that Palpatine had any special plan for Krauser, other than serving as an assassin when Mara Jade was occupied with other things.

Krauser learned several things from Palpatine, but was far from being a molded agent of evil like Mara Jade or Darth Vader. Palpatine's lessons consisted of nothing more than teaching Krauser to not accept failure, and perhaps most importantly to be one step ahead of your enemies. This was what Krauser learned simply from reading Palpatines actions; he never was an apprentice or student like Mara Jade. His existence was known among higher-ranking Imperials including Mara Jade and Darth Vader, but his status was simply that of an assassin with above-average capabilities. His jobs were not quite as significant as those of Mara Jade's, but usually required a bit more finesse and caution than her standard mission, which was what Krauser had a natural talent for.

As Palpatine's Empire grew, Krauser performed in the backstage, completing his assignments efficiently and learning more and more as he progressed. Although he never failed a mission, Krauser's assignments were, again, not nearly as significant or complicated as Mara Jade's. His accomplishments did not come without difficulty, but Krauser knew the consequences for failing a man such as the Emperor and this drove him on to success. Krauser was not as familiar with Palpatines secrets like Vader and Mara Jade, as Palpatine would probably never have revealed such important information to Krauser, and, for that matter, Krauser was not concerned with such things.

Luckily, Krauser was not aboard the Death Star II when it was destroyed along with his Master, but rather on Coruscant awaiting orders. Realizing that if he remained on planet he would be discovered and more than likely executed, he fled to Nal Hutta, where it was exceptionally easy for him to hide given the large population and high amount of criminal activity. He stayed there for many years, feeling that since the Emperor's death, no other organization would accept him for what he was: a cold-hearted killer. A few of Palpatine's servants had fled with Krauser, and remained there with him, mainly as company. They ran errands for him when he needed things done in the daytime, as he avoided the public because he stood out so much in a daytime crowd. He preferred the shadows, staying true to the assassin profession, despite being out of work for some time.

Not too long ago, Krauser came out of hiding after hearing rumors concerning a galactic criminal organization that may be interested in his services, known only as the Union...

((Note: I haven't really worked out Krauser's history prior to his service to the Emporer, but plan to make a RP out of it at some point))
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:59 AM
What else can his unknown species do, in terms of physical prowess or mental capability, for example?
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 09:39 PM
Nothing spectacular, really... his only really unique talent is the Defel-like ability I mentioned. Also, I haven't finished his bio completely, as I was really pressed for time when I wrote the little that I did.

If I could make a comparison, though, Krauser's combat capabilities match those of a Noghri or Aurra Sing... except he's not as ugly. As far as mental capability, he's no brilliant tactician or military strategist; simply smarter than an average person would be when it comes to thinking logically(again, a comparison would be Han Solo).

Basically, he has been trained in many forms of combat, and can easily hold his own in a fight. He has above average intelligence, but don't expect him to be going head to head with Thrawn or Garm Bel Iblis. Not invincible by any means, if that's what you were afraid of. :D
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 10:16 PM
I'm afraid of your haircut.
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 10:54 PM
So he's smart, young, well connected, physically strong, and exceptionally good swordsman, deceptive, stealthy, personally trained/molded by the Emperor, and I'd assume wealthy due to the nature as personal aid and assassin to Darth Sidious?
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:08 PM
Yeah, but he's not a Force user...

/#include sarcasm
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:08 PM
Not young, by any means... he came into service with the Emperor during the Clone Wars; he is just older than he appears. And I wouldn't say well connected, either, at least not since the Emperor died. All of his connections really died with the Emperor. I wouldn't say he's extremely wealthy, either, and even if he was he has no use for credits other than living expenses; killing people is his life, and he's not really concerned with wealth or power over anyone else.

I would, however, consider him deceptive, stealthy, and an exceptionally talented swordsman.

His intelligence and physical strength, again, are nothing special. They are above that of the common man or common soldier, but he's no Jedi and is just as susceptible to damage as anyone else.
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:09 PM
Although his species seems to give him what would be considered "superhuman" attributes(enhanced speed and agility, for example), he is not force sensitive.

You didn't mention this in your reply above... that's what I was wondering about, more so, rather than who he's like in comparison to canon characters.

I'm concerned because you put two attributes, and then an example tag... namely that means there are more, for example.

But, as it stands, I'm a little iffy about this character being a past Emperor's Hand; I mean, considering he is/was considered below the capabilities of Vader and Mara Jade, this tells me he would have been lower in rank, and therefore known somewhat (if not the higher levels of the Imperials) as an above-average assassin.

Also, I always thought Palpatine recruited personal Hands from the Force-using types...

I suggest you finish your biography, but also flesh it out some. For such a combat savvy character, I wouldn't mind seeing some more development - especially fleshing out his time away from the galaxy proper, in more detail than 'he kept training, and then came back'.

Unfortunately I'm grilling you because of two things:

1. I don't know who you are, and you're claiming a lot (highly trained assassin, worked for Palpatine, calls himself Lord, owns a small get-a-way with servants, etc) with your initial character.

2. I don't like unknown species, with enhanced attributes, that are left undefined and hold the potential for adaption as needed.

Nonetheless, I'm sure some of my points will help, and you can use as you require or choose.
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:24 PM
We seemed to have posted at the same time, Vance. I was just explaining that to Circe.

I wrote that initial bio in all of 10 minutes, and I don't expect it to be at all final. It was a quick preview at the most, because I wanted to get something down if I needed to post in a thread; I didn't think it would be nice to suddenly show up and not even have the slightest form of a bio.

I was, perhaps, not being very clear when I typed "superhuman" in... I fixed that. As for the getaway, think of it on the terms of Yoda's Hovel... not spectacular by any means, and his assistants are merely 2 or 3 people who gather information for him, or travel in daylight when needed, as I stated he stands out very much in any crowd, and assassins are not supposed to do that. They are not combatants or anything of the sort.

I agree with him being known to higher-ranking Imperials. Consider that portion corrected. As for Palpatine hiring Hands that were FUs, I'm not sure about that. True, that is all we know of, but Palpatine had many secrets, and was not an overly-predictable man.

On a side note, I perfectly understand your suspicion. Krauser may seem overly-powerful from that poor initial bio, but I assure you he is not and I would never claim him to be. I have a little over 5 years of roleplaying experience behind me, most of it on an affiliate of TRF - Sithlore. I'm open to advice, though, so please - if you feel something needs to change to fit TRF better, tell me.
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:35 PM
*Refer to last post*

But, for the sake of simplifying:

- I'm a little iffy about this character being a past Emperor's Hand.

- I don't like unknown species, with enhanced attributes, that are left undefined and hold the potential for adaption as needed.

For some examples.
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 02/25/2007 at 11:43 PM
Well according to the Official TRF timeline (see the very bottom) it has been 42 years since Episode III, so assuming he was only 18 (which to be a credible assassin I'm doubtful, but for the sake of) he'd have to be somewhere around 60. I'd say just toss out the whole Emperor's Hand thing in general. He doesn't need to be uber-powerful or have a past connection to canon characters to be an important or impacting figure in this role-play (which is what I assume your going for with such a high profile character).

But I am neither a moderator or admin and haven't been here nearly as long as Vance and Beff so you really don't have to take my advice, I'm just trying to offer some help as TRF eats god-modding newbs alive (Not suggesting you are, please don't take it that way. I'm suggesting they might) For a good example look at these threads.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 12:02 AM
Circe; he is a creature of extreme longevity. Such things are not unknown and I cite my own manifestation as evidence. The question of age is perhaps less of a worry on its own then is the total cumulative effect of such a seemingly potent and powerful character.

Vance; your concern is not without merit as we have often enough come across wolf in sheeps clothing ( "god moders" who protest, loudly, that they are anything but ).

Lord Krauser wrote:I have a little over 5 years of roleplaying experience behind me, most of it on an affiliate of TRF - Sithlore.

Lord Krauser; welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk. That said I would suggest you heed the advice offered above and by the community at large as it would behoove you not to have people thinking ill of you before your sojourn into TRF can be witnessed In Character.

Good luck!
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 12:25 AM
I edited the bio a bit to make it a bit more clear, and fair.

I don't see how there's any problem with Krauser being an assassin for Palpatine, especially a sub-par one. Thrawn himself hinted that Palpatine had numerous Hands; Mara Jade was just one of exceptional skill (He states this to Mara herself in the Thrawn trilogy, though I am unsure on the exact page number and such. I can find out if you want.). I don't see how Krauser's connection with the Emperor as a Hand makes him any more impacting in RP at all, and I don't plan to use it as a crutch. I thought it to be a fun and unique idea to expand upon a few phrases from Thrawn, but if there is a general disagreement then I suppose I can change that.

As for the age, there are canonical characters who's species and age are unknown, and they are far from being uberly-powerful. Example: Aurra Sing. She's good, but not godly, and definitely susceptible to damage.

I don't know where the 18 thing is coming from... I never even hinted that Krauser was 18 when he met the Emperor, or any exact age, for that matter.

However, I do plan to create my own species for Krauser. This will help to explain Krauser's longevity and his physical prowess.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 12:31 AM
Something mixed with the Germanicans

I was fully with you up until that remark. You plan to affiliate with TGG? With this character?

Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 01:07 AM
LOL... You misunderstand, Beff. I don't plan to be affiliated with TGG in any way... I was simply implying that Krauser's physical prowess could be explained through a species-specific trait, as the Germanicans are a created species on TRF. I don't see Krauser ever having any Germanican blood contained within him.
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 01:12 AM
I don't know where the 18 thing is coming from... I never even hinted that Krauser was 18 when he met the Emperor, or any exact age, for that matter.

I was assuming that your character aged in human years and if you read my post more closely you will see why that age was chosen. I never said he was 18 at the time of their meeting.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 01:31 AM
You misunderstand, Beff.

I do that often.
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:11 AM
Alright, I'll break it down:

- You have a personal assassin of Emperor Palpatine; it is assumed he knows his trade, and well, for he worked under the Emperor directly.

- You have a Sith Master, who has been training his entire IC life, as he started development from the Apprentice rank.

Assassin comes in, he's a brand new character, he's shiny, and he's a past Emperor's Hand. He hasn't done anything, he hasn't developed through IC Role-Play, he simply is at that state of combat capability due to the fact it was stated in his biography.

Sith Master, who started as an Apprentice and put in the long hours/days/weeks/months/years to level to Master, who hasn't been potentially trained by Palpatine, comes to face the highly capable Assassin... they fight.

What do we do now? Do we say the Assassin, who may have been trained by Palpatine himself, but is a new character, beats the Sith Master because of his past experience in his bio? Or do we side with the Sith Master who has been developing from a lowly Apprentice rank from the get-go for years?

Here we enter a gray area.

This is but one, of the many, concerns that could be brought up.

Do you see our point now, in connecting such a new character with such experience and canon relationships?
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:31 AM
I could easily see your point there, Vance, but you've failed to read over the bio if you think I would ever dream of doing something like that.

Krauser was not trained by Palpatine. He picked things up here and there from him, but nothing of overwhelming importance that would give him a supreme advantage in combat. Not to mention Krauser is not Force sensitive, therefore I seriously doubt Palpatine would waste any of his time training such a person. It's not in his character. All of Krauser's talent came from the missions he completed, and the natural talent he had for killing people.

Krauser is an assassin with a natural talent for the profession, but, as I stated in the bio, the missions he has been on were not of overwhelming significance; those missions were left to Vader and Mara. Even if Krauser had been through the most elite training system offered throughout the galaxy, I don't think I need to point out there is a big difference from training in a flight simulator and being involved in a dogfight in space. Krauser would most definitely be beaten, if not utterly destroyed, if he were to face a Sith Master.

For example, Jango Fett was a supreme bounty hunter, and he had been part of that lifestyle for most, if not all of his life. There was probably nothing the man didn't know about bounty hunting and combat. Then, during the Battle of Geonosis, he was confronted by Mace Windu, and got beat down, hard. Despite all of his expertise, Jango Fett was no match for a Jedi Master.

I am not claiming Krauser is on or above the level of Jango Fett, therefore I see no reason for him to ever be able to beat a Sith Master in combat. Perhaps, after I've RPed him for sometime, he could contend with one, and perhaps defend himself long enough to make an escape. But never, never, would I think of him being able to assassinate or beat a character on the level of a Sith Master.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:35 AM
Jango Fett got screwed by circumstance. If only his rocket pack had been functional...
Author: Lord Krauser. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:38 AM
Beff Pike wrote:Jango Fett got screwed by circumstance. If only his rocket pack had been functional...

LMAO. Brutus Nogoth just made the same comment, but I think my point stands; Jango Fett couldn't hold a candle to Mace Windu.
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:49 AM
Your making it seem like Jedi were godly, they weren't. Ten seconds before his death Jango killed a Jedi Master of the Council with relative ease himself. As Beff said Jango was a victim of circumstance, which most people are because in truth we are usually just lucky as opposed to skillful. It works the same in Star Wars; Anakin was defeated by Obi-Wan because he was lucky enough to gain the high ground, Luke defeated the Emperor on the chance that his father would return to the lightside, Vader was lucky enough to catch the Emperor off guard and throw him into the Death Star shaft, the Rebels were lucky that that event even happened. But that's beside the whole point, Jedi were not gods and could have been killed even by regular citizens if they used opportunity correctly.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 05:53 AM
That's why I only use Acme Brand Rocket Pack(s).

"We don't fail you when you're mauled by a rampaging Rhino-thing. We hold out. ACME Brand Rocket Pack - Get yours now! Don't be left out in the cold, headless!"
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 02/26/2007 at 11:25 AM
The point you're missing, is that while you can claim your character has the experience he does, it all comes down to how we balance it out. Namely if a character, who's even just a matter of half a year older (in the sense of being around ICly, developing him/herself), then your character (for all of his professionalism and dedication to killing beings) would ultimately be less inclined to win any form of confrontation.

And while it seems I'm focusing on the combat savvy aspect of his character, it's true. As he is an assassin.

It tends to be that if a character has been around longer, then said character holds more IC experience over the other. What I'm trying to say is that, perhaps, given that general feel toward TRF, that maybe you're reaching for too much, instead of starting out a character as such: starting out.

Why not be an up and coming assassin moving through faction ranks? Why not start at the beginning, make him a young upstart who has lessons to learn, instead of knowing them already?

I know, from personal experience, that sometimes having a character so developed isn't as enjoyable once you lose that drive to improve/develop him or her; so with that in mind, are you sure you want to start at such a late time in your character's IC life?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

Either way, it all comes down to you. You can use the suggestions, you can ignore them; you can go onto the Battlegrounds and start your character out, or you can revise and make sure you have what you want... as it is, I can't stop you, I wouldn't want to stop you, and I'm just trying to make sure you understand the situation - and that despite being older, with more history-written experience, that doesn't constitute as actual IC experience. :)

But... do as you will: Just have fun.