Biographies Archive

Ross Stagner
Posted By
Ross Stagner
Posted On
03/22/2007 at 05:02 AM
Author: Ross Stagner. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 05:02 AM
Ross Stagner
Human Male
Height: 6’2
Build: Slender
Affiliation: Black Dragon Empire
Position: Scrivinir (Leader of the Centrality)

Born on the planet of Carida during the war with the galactic Empire, Ross grew up hearing tales of the heroes of the Rebellion. Ross was never really concerned with the political aspect of the war and idolized greats such as Wedge Antilles and Luke Skywalker, often talking of how he was going to be a famous pilot when he was older.

At the age of 18, Ross attempted to make his childhood dream reality by joining the military and applying for flight school. Unfortunately the New Republic had differing views as to what position he would best fill, and Ross was soon trained and put into service as an infantry combat medic. Since the war with the Empire was long over by this time, Ross’ unit saw little action. Ross reapplied to flight school numerous times throughout his enlistment, only to be turned down each time. Frustrated by the monotony of being stationed on a remote military base with no enemy to fight and no chance of becoming a pilot, Ross left the military as soon as his first enlistment was up.

Not long after returning home Ross began to attend university, mostly for lack of anything better to do. He discovered a deep passion for history and decided to double major in history and culture. In his senior year a political professor by the name of Hirem Delmonte discovered that Ross had a flair for debate and politics, and persistently tried to convince him to make a career in politics. Ross refused to be convinced, and he graduated with an advanced degree in history. Despite their differing views, Ross and Hirem developed a close relationship over that final year.

The New Republic had entered a major war with a new government calling themselves The New Order by the time Ross graduated from university, and Ross was hard pressed to find a job where his newfound expertise could be put to good use – the Republic was simply too strapped for resources. He grudgingly found a job at a local factory that was busy pumping out war goods, and settled in to wait out the war… confident that the old Rebellion heroes would surface again to lead the Republic to victory. Then perhaps he could get a job as a history teacher…

They did not. The Republic eventually fell in defeat and the Empire became the ultimate power in the galaxy once again. Ross was crushed by the news, and somewhat angered. He placed the blame on the leadership of the Republic, believing it had been too weak, too inept. They could have done things different, better. He could have done it better. It was this belief that motivated Ross to track down his old political professor Hirem, and convince him to serve as a mentor while he developed a career in politics. Someone needed to look out for the people…

The fall of the Republic had put Hirem out of a job, and he readily agreed to work with Ross. Neither man had any real love for the Empire, so they decided to relocate to non Imperial space to build new lives for themselves. Their journeys took them into what would soon become Black Dragon Empire space, and they settled down on the small planet of Kessel, where Ross earned a very small position in the local government and quickly began to work his way up the ranks.

Ross Stagner is a well mannered, yet strong willed man who sticks to his principles. He excels at debating and is considered to be a passionate, energetic public speaker.
Author: the dark adept. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 05:58 PM
i like the biography, indeed.

get yourself either;

linked to a faction
starting a thread in the astral astoria

also, make some contact in the rebel cafe. its your best bet for making friends,
Author: Jan "The Old Man" Dondana. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 07:01 PM
Um, I'm pretty sure Teth is a Coalition planet, not a BDE planet...
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 07:04 PM
Everything is cool...

I just have to ask; have you been okay'd by Heir? The Centrality and all...
Author: Leia Organa Solo. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 08:48 PM
Adept, you should probably spend less time worrying about other people getting started at TRF and more time working on your own start...

Then I will change it. I just looked on the galaxy map and randomly picked a planet in BDE colored space last night, I was in a hurry and only thought you guys had Mon Cal over there.

Why does the Coalition have planets scattered throughout BDE space that they have no hope of realistically defending?

Yes, everything is ok with Heir.
Author: Jan "The Old Man" Dondana. Posted At: 03/22/2007 at 11:59 PM
Because they weren't in the middle (other than Mon Cal) until after BDE stole Kessel and Honoghr.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 03/23/2007 at 12:03 AM
Didn't know it was you.
Author: Just Ahnk. Posted At: 03/23/2007 at 04:24 AM
It was.
Author: Lucian D'alaetos. Posted At: 03/23/2007 at 11:37 AM
*looks at the Dark Adept*

"Would you like some water to wash down your foot?"
Author: the dark adept. Posted At: 03/25/2007 at 07:39 AM
indeed ^_^