Biographies Archive

Klaximo (Lax) Freeon
Posted By
Klaximo Freeon
Posted On
04/27/2007 at 08:26 PM
Author: Klaximo Freeon. Posted At: 04/27/2007 at 08:26 PM
Name: Klaximo Freeon (Lax for short)

Age: 42

Planet of Origin: N/A

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Dark Blue

Race: Human, white.

Current Affiliation: none

Personal History: Coming soon

Professional History: Coming soon
Author: s t o n e d .. Posted At: 04/28/2007 at 02:09 AM
coming attractions belong in movie theaters
Author: Klaximo Freeon. Posted At: 05/28/2007 at 03:51 AM
Homeworld: Coruscant

Personal History: Klaximo was the son of an Imperial official, a former governer of an Outer-Rim planet, that was transferred to desk duty within the Imperial Palace. His mother was one of the many whores that worked the streets and served Imperial officials when they needed relief. One and one equals two which explains how Klaximo came to be. He was ignored by his father and considered an accident by his mother, who was too poor to afford the fees for an abortion.

His mother was none the less an opportunist who tried to pry a few credits out of said father for child support help (which is the last thing she wanted to spend it on). She disappeared and was soon found dead in one of the many alleys lining Imperial city's never-ending streets.

Lax disappeared into the underworld, and joined one of the many roving youth gangs. It was here that Klaximo learned what he needed to survive in an harsh enviorement, when to fight, when to run away, how to hurt people, how to help them, and so on. After one of the many Imperial raids into the underworld netted most of his friends and allies, Klaximo managed to flee the planet aboard a tramp freighter and make it off-world.

He continued to survive, this time working on smuggling ships. Spending enough time here, he eventually made his way up to his own command, then broke off from the organization and created his own little buisness. Ironically, his father had returned to the Outer-Rim, and was the person who ordered the local Imperial starfleet forces to shut Klaximo and his buisness down.

Lax again slipped away to survive, and served other stints as well, changing his name and appearance, working in planterey defense forces, using his knowledge of the criminal underworld to help secure his place in any security forces by helping them to hunt down people he may have worked with.

But once again, fate would intervene in the form of the Empire. His father craved more territory, and again the Imperial starfleet invaded Lax's life, brutually attacking the world on which he was working with in the security department. Lax managed to lead a counter-attack that disabled a Carrack class cruiser, allowing most of his security forces and a few civilian liners to escape the planet.

Three strikes was enough for Lax, and he turned his attention to the demolition of the Empire, aiding resistance groups and cells, all too many of which he has seen fallen. But Klaximo will not give up the fight, even as he is sure his latest arrivial at a resistance group will end in a massacre....
Author: Klaximo Freeon. Posted At: 05/28/2007 at 03:54 AM
Professional History:

Unofficial Claims: Working as a smuggler, including sensors, communications, and piloting, along with captaining and commanding ships and small fleets.

Official Claims: Working with security forces, setting up patrol routines, training people what to look for, how to behave, etc., and commanding small detachments as needed.
Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 06/01/2007 at 12:33 AM
Klaximo (Lax) Freeon

So, if I killed the character, he'd be "Ex-Lax"?
Author: Irtar's Best Friend, Irtar. Posted At: 06/01/2007 at 04:39 AM
Pilot1: Why do you call him 'Lax' instead of say... Ximo or Klax or even create a call name for him?

Pilot2: Y'know those optional diapers for flight missions? Well, they aren't optional for him.