Biographies Archive

Rane Kraski
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06/17/2007 at 06:25 PM
Author: Slaskia. Posted At: 06/17/2007 at 06:25 PM
(yes I am terrible at getting profiles up for all my bite me!)

Full Name: Rane Kraski
Race: Unknown, but a kind of shape shifter
Age: Unknown
Description: Usually appears as a scruffy looking human male.


Rane is a shapeshifter, capable of taking on a number of forms, usually humanoid but also some animal forms, such as a tusk cat. He is a master Ranger, having lived in the wilds for most of his life and a Force Sensitive, however with the latter he is still relatively untested as he left the Jedi Order before he received much training.


This man’s past is largely a mystery, keeping his past a secret to even those he considers friends and allies. What is known is that he did join the Jedi Order at some point years ago, but left it in disgust when he saw how sedentary they had become.

(A Trandoshans Tale: Inner Feelings) His next appearance was on Talus, where he met with a then very young Trazu, saving him from an enraged wookiee. He took the young Trandoshan under his wing, training him in the ways of a Ranger and helping him perfect his sword fighting skills. He officially broke ties with Trazu a number of years later, recognizing that Trazu had started to cling to him and needed to go off on his own. Still, he kept watch over his pupil for a few years more, appearing only once to aid him after he was captured by a band of pirates. He wasn’t heard or seen from again until recently.

(Visionary Five: Sleeping Giant) Rane traveled to Naboo with the intent of giving the Jedi Order one last try. His timing couldn’t have been worse, for the Jedi Order was on the verge of disbanding. There though he met Silonik, the young son of his former pupil Trazu and with the Jedi Order seemingly about to abandon him, Rane took it upon himself to take in the young Trandoshan, along with his friend Mortor. He helped one of the few Jedi that decided to remain on Naboo to start an orphanage in Theed, which lacked that sort of public service.

(Dark Rising: What’s yours is mine) Rane sensed the presence of the Sith arrive on Naboo and knew what their intent would be. With deep regret he wouldn’t take more of the younglings with him, he took Silonik and Mortor onto his ship, the Lone Ranger and fled Naboo just before the Empire’s fleet started arriving….