Author: Camiron. Posted At: 09/08/2007 at 05:48 AM
Character Name: Camiron
Physical Description:
Avatar Image:

Age: 18. almost 19
Height: 6'2" feet (1.88 meters)
Weight: 188 lbs. (85.5 kilograms)
Hair: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Brown
In Detail:
Blond, brown eyed and relatively fair, Camiron has a athletic build. Standing at 1.88 meters tall and weighing in at 85 kilos, he is far from weak having labored since he was first able. Camiron has shown himself to be adept at anything physical thrown his way. He can utilize a variety of weapons, including but not limited to blasters though he prefers the traditional use of the lightsaber if given the choice. He is agile in both mind and body, quick on the draw and quick to act. Sometimes this impulsive nature can backfire and has at some points in his life, in these moments he will usually attempt to hide his feelings instead channeling them into the art of warfare. He wears his hair on the short side, only occasionally allowing it to grow longer. He prefers to wear dark brown leather and utilizes it for anything he can from belt to boots to vests as both a contrast and accent to his black cloak.
Force Use:
Sith Apprentice:
* Force Grip
* Force Affect Mind
* Force Lightsaber Throw
* Force Rage
* Force Stealth
Weapon(s): Red Bladed Lightsaber, Sith Sword, DL-44 Heavy Blaster
Transport Vessel: Classified ACE Starfighter pilot. He can also fly a T-16 skyhopper and an airspeeder.
Personality: To put it bluntly Camiron is a handful. His seeming good luck and skill have made him cocky and self-assured. This combined with a natural athletic prowess and an attitude of immortality have left his elders sometimes unable to completely control him. He sometimes has the bad habit of letting wisdom go in one ear and out the other if for no reason than to simply be stubborn. He has yet to really suffer anything that he hasn't been able to handle, which only adds to his feelings of cockiness and superiority.
He can seem cocky and over confident and in many ways he is, but he is honorable and honest to a fault. Having been an apprentice since before his seventh birthday, Cam's immersion in the dark side of the force has shaped him into a warrior above anything else and he has taken to this life as if made for it. He is intelligent, intuitive and a quick learner and completely devoted to the ways of the Sith and wants nothing more than to become the strongest Knight he can be. Like most of his peers he has the desire to one day be Master.
Since the purge, Cam has become prone to sharp bursts of anger and emotion and in many ways he has become even more determined to make his stand. Blunt, but not really rude, Cam speaks his mind and generally attacks his relationships with the same zest he possesses for life. He is stubborn and strong-willed, with a determination that is rare in many his age. All of this is not to say that he is an unworthy apprentice, if anything the fact that he can be a loose cannon can be seen as an advantage in some situations as it makes him somewhat unpredictable.
Conceived on Coruscant, but born and initially raised on his mother's home planet of Naboo, Cameron was the product of two loving parents. Though life with both would be short-lived. His mother, a former Senator's aide, grew ill just before Cameron's second birthday. The long illness affected Cameron in ways he has yet to acknowledge or completely understand, but went a long way in forming the stubbornly loyal side of his personality. She died, leaving her young son bewildered and lost and more than a little angry.
He had always been force sensitive but the traumatic event brought about an unapologetic desire to lash out at anyone or anything he was displeased with. Believing it would pass, Cam's father assumed that his son's outbursts would grow less and less aggressive as he learned to accept the death of his mother, if anything they began to escalate. This culminated in an attack, for lack of a better term for it, against Cameron's new nanny resulting in a house fire as he caused the flames from their fire to virtually dance across the floor and onto the hem of her robe.
Feeling the need for a fresh start, his father moved to Corellia just a few days later no longer having any familial ties to Naboo and fearing what would become of his son if he stayed. Though Cameron still remembers his early days among the lakes, life and memories were soon created with a new mother, or step-mother as his father reunited with his first and former wife. Cameron, having taken a great deal of his core personality from his father fell naturally into his step-mother's graces and soon her heart. Unknown to any of them, the emerging Sith Order had taken notice of young Cam's abilities and sought him out.
Though the family refused at first to let their son go with these strangers it soon became apparent that the right to refuse would be denied. A few weeks before his seventh birthday, Camiron left his second home for what would become the only home he would desire, Xa Fel. He was stubborn at first, an all but unwilling student. He was taught however to use his emotions, his loneliness, his anger...and of course the force itself around him. He had always felt that there was something else out there, even going so far as to 'feel' his mother with him.
This new life began to interest him a great deal as the Force and the power he could sense were fascinating and very alluring. The Sith Knights and Apprentices became his new family, the Masters a sort of surrogate father who would in time become even more important to him than his birth family. He became a strong enough student that he was chosen to survive the Purge along with a handful of others. He accepts the challenges set for him and is determined to excel, just as his strength will force his brothers in the Order to grow stronger as well. He has taken Darth Vicirus' words to heart and knows that true strength lies in the passionate exploration of the Force and that only through conflict can he and those who have been chosen like him achieve that goal as they grow together.
Author: Camiron. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 02:48 AM
Ready for Review. Thanks.
Author: Zark Ekan. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 03:10 AM
Hey there, Camiron. :) Its great to see you taking an interest in writing at TRF! From what I understand, you're already familiar with a few people who write here from old boards (Vicirus, Beff Pike), so I'll assume you're already familiar with RPing. Thats awesome. It helps out a
ton when writing at TRF for the first time. That said, there are some things that I feel need to be cleared up with you so you don't get confused when it comes to actually posting for the first time.
First things first, character biographies, while strongly encouraged, are not a requirement on TRF for writing, and do not require approval from anyone, even staff members. You're more than welcome to go ahead and jump into the galaxy as soon as or even
before your biography is even complete. At TRF, we value the writing of a story above anything else, so as long as you're enthusiastic about doing that, we're not going to stop you.
Any time you see a staff member or a concerned member stepping in and throwing up a red flag in a character's bio thread will be when a character's biography contains material that might be implausible, against the rules, or otherwise ridiculous. Reading over your character's backstory, for the
most part I don't think you'll have any problems in that regard (I'll get to this in a bit). If no one posts in your biography thread (not that you have to worry about that anymore, cause of me), don't be discouraged. When it comes to bios, no news is good news. And compliments are even better news.
Second, here at TRF the writing is very free form. Rules are very vague when it comes to specific nuances of a character (such as Force powers, personal effects, transporation, etc.). You won't be expected to keep track of every single Force power your character can preform, the same with your items. Now, don't take this to mean that such things aren't
monitored by the staff. The golden rule at TRF is "If it makes sense to your character, isn't godmoding, and doesn't violate the rules, go nuts." Which means that if you write about snapping a Star Destroyer in half with your mind, someone is going to call you on it.
Characters are developed here not through their biographies, but through their actual posts and writing. On the whole, biographies are not considered to be very important to the TRF community. They're really only here as a gift to other writers, so they can learn more about your character, or as a personal exercise for your writing.
Third, while biographies, items, and other things are not generally moderated at TRF with as much scrutiny as other boards, Force users are. I'm sorry to say, you're not going to be starting off as a Sith Knight (unless you can provide RPs of character development and training from another RP board). This is to make sure that your character has time to develop as a Sith Apprentice normally would, and to ensure that your writing skills are on par with the rest of the Sith Knights in the galaxy. Unfortunately, this means that while your character could plausibly have a limited degree of control over the Force, some of the starting powers you listed might be a bit beyond his capabilities. For a more detailed explanation of the Force rules here at TRF, check the Force Users section of the rules.
If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to PM me, any of the staff, or...well, just about anyone really. Except for Kraken. Don't PM Kraken. Personally, I'd suggest directing your questions at either Vicirus or Beff, as they're already acquainted with you. That doesn't mean that just about anyone won't be willing to answer your questions, however. Also, make sure to read the rules and FAQ!
Lastly, and
above all, enjoy your experience here at TRF. And may the Force be with you.
Zark Ekan
Force Council
Author: Camiron. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 03:38 AM
Thanks for clearing those points up for me, lol. I knew I liked this place. Now I just gotta find a place to post.
Author: Lupercus. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 09:20 AM
Hehe, i don't even have a bio posted...
Author: Darth Vicirus. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 04:21 PM
Looks good. A nice bio, indeed.
Author: Damalis Skywalker. Posted At: 09/09/2007 at 08:35 PM
hmm little blondy man meat... niiiiice