Biographies Archive

Brarhk Kul'usayk
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04/13/2008 at 11:32 PM
Author: Crichton. Posted At: 04/13/2008 at 11:32 PM
Species: Devaronian
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Devaron
Year of Birth: 7 I.E. (13 BBY)
Current Age: 38

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair Color/Style: No hair
Skin Tone: Pale white with a slight hint of brown
Other Distinguishing Features: Horns are slightly smaller than usual; small scar on one side of his neck from some sort of energy weapon

Marital Status: Single
Family: An older sister, Niraski, whom he has not heard from in five years; she may or not still be alive

Attire: Long, black traveling cloak; green vest over a white shirt, black pants; dewback leather gloves and boots
Personal Equipment:
- Modified E-11 blaster rifle, equipped with a laser sight and focusing lens for a more powerful beam; Brarhk created the modifications himself using his rudimentary knowledge of mechanics and the assistance of Olno Gett
- A small blade made of cortosis, which can repel various forms of energy, including lightsaber blades, bought in case he ever encounters a Jedi again. The injury he received on Coruscant has made him wary of all Force-users.
- Personal datapad with datacards containing scientific formulas and theories
- Small pouch of untraceable credits

Basic Timeline
7 IE (13 BBY): Born on Devaron
27 IE (7 ABY): Admitted into Commenor university
31 IE (11 ABY): Graduates with a specialization in molecular physics and begins touring the galaxy, advancing his knowledge through personal practice
33 IE (13 ABY): Settles his personal laboratory on Coruscant, working with a group of peers on scientific projects for the New Republic
37 IE (17 ABY): Empire retakes Coruscant; forced to continue his research under the New Order, focusing more on potential weaponry than “real” science
40 IE (19 ABY): Escapes from Coruscant and begins life as a drifter, getting money where he can and staying out of Imperial sight
42 IE (21 ABY): Hiding on Bespin when it too fell to the Empire, detained by the Imperials upon trying to escape; meets Olno Gett, an Aqualish mercenary, in detention and hatches a plan to escape
45 IE: (25 ABY): Present day

Since his early childhood, Brarhk Kul’usayk has always been fascinated by science. Instead of spending his time hunting like the rest of his family, he studied texts on scientific theory from the HoloNet and tried basic experiments outside his home. He was particularly fascinated with molecular compounds, marveling at atoms and other smaller objects and wanting nothing more than to know how things like trees, rocks, starships, or Devaronians were formed from them. This became his passion and, eventually, his life’s work, beginning with his admittance into the University of Scientific Research on Commenor when he was twenty years old. Brarhk had never left Devaron before and was understandably nervous, but even that would not stop him from pursuing his dreams.

He spent four years studying on Commenor, learning everything he could about science. His specialization became molecular physics and his fascination with how atoms combined continued to motivate him. He also dabbled in basic technologies and computer software, gaining a general understanding of how they worked, but molecules continued to be his focus. Upon graduation, he chose to continue his learning instead of looking for work with a company or institution as many of his peers did. Spurred by his initial departure from his homeworld, Brarhk traveled to various planets looking at molecules in their many forms. Finally, though, he arrived on Coruscant and began working in one of the laboratories operated by the New Republic government. Brarhk believed in the ideals of the New Republic – and still does – and he wanted to do what he could to help it as long as he could continue his research.

Everything changed when the Empire returned to Coruscant in the year 37 IE. Brarhk and his colleagues were unable to escape with the other New Republic forces and were quickly drafted into Imperial service. Whereas before he had been studying the intricacies of molecules under peaceful circumstances, now his formidable knowledge was to be used as a way to develop weapons for the New Order. For two years Brarhk was forced to figure out ways for more people to die, something he had never wanted to be a part of. He had no choice, though; the first time that he protested, a visiting Dark Jedi (whose name he cannot remember) slashed him across the throat with his lightsaber as a reminder of his place. For three years Brarhk was a slave to the New Order’s will, hating every minute of it and wishing for a way to escape. His opportunity came when a riot in Imperial Center destabilized the area enough for him to sneak out. He was miraculously able to stow aboard an independent vessel and escaped before the Imperials could realize he had gone anywhere.

Brarhk’s life was now that of a drifter, trying to stay out of the sight of the New Order and survive on his own. He dared not go back to Devaron for fear of the Imperials. His only family left there was an older sister, Niraski, since his parents had passed away years before; an encoded message sent to her was never returned, so for all he knows she is dead. For two years he roamed from planet to planet before ending up on Bespin, hoping that it was far enough off the major trade routes for him to hide. His hope was short-lived, for it was not long after that the Empire attacked and seized Bespin. Brarhk tried to escape before the planet was locked down, but the Imperials detected him and through him in detention. He believed that he was doomed to execution or infinite imprisonment until he met a fellow prisoner, an Aqualish named Olno Gett, and they teamed up to escape. Once they were free, they agreed to stick together to ensure each other’s survival until such time as running was no longer a necessity.

For three years, Brarhk and his new companion have been traveling the space lanes, never staying in one place for too long. This is more from Brarhk’s urging, since Olno was only incarcerated for mild disobedience and it is unlikely that the New Order will chase him across the galaxy. They take odd jobs in order to decide, relying on Brarhk’s cunning intelligence and Olno’s mercenary skills to get them work, though Brarhk has been training in melee and ranged combat to try to match his companion. They try not to go near Imperial worlds, and if they must they keep a very low profile.
A Note to All Players: Brarhk’s companion, Olno Gett, is exactly what he sounds like: a companion. Brarhk is my primary character, so Olno is not as fleshed out. He’s not quite an NPC, as he’ll often be in Brarhk’s company and has his own history, but he’s intentionally more mysterious and less vocal. I’m not as anal about what happens to Olno; that is, I wouldn’t feel as bad if someone were to injure him, knock him out, use the Force against him, brainwash him, etc. I’d still like you to give me a heads up before you do anything major to him, but it probably won’t be much of an issue as I figure he’ll eventually be killed off anyway. Stick to the “Common Sense” rule and everything should be fine.

Name: Olno Gett
Species: Aqualish (Quara)
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Ando
Year of Birth: 4 IE (16 BBY)
Current Age: 41

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair Color/Style: None
Skin Tone: Very dark blue
Other Distinguishing Features: Heavily muscled for an Aqualish, indicating intense physical training; tattoo of a starfish on the back of his right shoulder

Marital Status: Single
Family: Unknown, presumably all deceased

Attire: Tan-colored jacket, dark pants and boots
Personal Equipment:
- Twin “Power” 5 blaster pistols
- Flexible blast vest, hidden underneath his jacket
- Old vibroblade bearing scuffs and marks from previous battles
- Pouch of credits, also hidden within his jacket

Brarhk and Olno Gett did not meet until they were both incarcerated by the Imperials on Bespin, having the unfortunate luck of being on the planet when it was seized. Unlike Brahrk, Olno was captured for inciting a fight with a squad of stormtroopers because they tried to keep him from entering one of Cloud City’s gambling establishments. Nothing was left of interest for him on Bespin, so Olno agreed to escape with Brarhk and go into hiding.

The reason why Olno has stuck with his new Devaronian companion is not entirely clear, even to Brarhk. Sticking together was beneficial for their survival just after their escape, and since then they’ve developed a sort of camaraderie despite Olno’s mysterious nature. Brarhk still knows very little about his companion’s past aside from the fact that he’s a career mercenary with some sort of military training. One thing he does know is that Olno has no love for the New Order (or for any government, really) and that he gets some satisfaction from protecting Brarhk from being discovered by the Imperials. It must be noted, though, that Olno really has nothing else worthwhile to be doing – if something should come around, it is unclear if he will stick with Brarhk or move on.