Biographies Archive

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02/01/2005 at 03:37 AM
Author: Slaskia. Posted At: 02/01/2005 at 03:37 AM
Full Name: Trazu K'Satikur
Race: Trandoshan
Age: 24 standard years
Description: 4' 10" with light green scales and lilac eyes. Usually wears normal street type clothes, if not slightly more ‘lavish’ due to his status on his homeworld. However he has what he has dubbed his ‘mock Jedi’ outfit which consists of a plain tan shirt with brown pants and brownish grey cloak. He almost always has his lightsaber, which has a red blade (though he intends to change it to a purple color), and/or a one handed sword that is made of corbantis.


Trazu is a skilled Ranger and a master swordsman in the one handed style. His Force training is focused on the mental defense and offense aspects, rather then the more traditional telekinesis, though he can still move objects in a limited degree. He is also able to view the world around him with purely the Force, the image, dubbed ‘mist vision’, the world appearing in shades of grey in various densities: those with evil intent show up as darker blobs, while those trained on the light side are lighter.


Trazu was the last out of five hatchlings to hatch and should have been eaten by his stronger sisters. However not only did the eldest hatchling, Varcanna, help him out of his egg, but protected him from his other siblings: a feat unheard of in Trandoshan society. Naosha, his mother, hid him in a rival Clan a few days later to protect him from Tnossok, his father's brother. There he grew and learned, oblivious to his heritage and no one, on Naosha's orders, would tell him where he came from.

When he was 11 standard years old he run away from Trandosha due to being sick of getting teased about his short stature and his 'good natured' opinion on Wookiees and wound up on Talus, where he was tutored by a human named Rane Kraski. He stayed in the humans company, refining his skills as a swordsman and learning the ways of the Ranger, for five standard years before they went their separate ways, when Trazu had matured. He remained alone for two years, wandering the wilds and living off the land, knocking off any thug that so much as looked at him the wrong way.

(A Trandoshans Tale: Inner Feelings)When he was 17 he encountered the first female Trandoshan he had seen since he left Trandosha. However she took advantage of this then badly wounded state and subjected him to horrors he had never known before. This encounter left him very mentally shaken and it was a couple of months before he started feeling comfortable around anyone again. It wasn't until he met Tzosha, a female Trandoshan just trying to make a living, that he started healing fully. However the feelings he had when around her confused him and it wasn't until another near death encounter that he finally accepted that it was ok for his kind to love. He happily accepted Tzosha's proposal of marriage.

(A Trandoshans Tale: Heritage) He and Tzosha lived happily on Talus until Trazu had a visit from a strange female that he could have sworn he knew but couldn't place from where. It wasn't until a memory of his earliest times surfaced in a dream some time later that he realized who it was: Varcanna, his long lost and until now forgotten half-sister. Varcanna told him his family history, including about a spirit that had been possessing one male each generation in their family for countless generations: the K'Satizitus, and also about the unknown fate of his father, Rissonik. It took some convincing (and some blackmailing by Tzosha) to get him to agree to return to Trandosha to discover his father's fate. When they arrived they brainstormed with his mother, Naosha, and one of the warriors from the Clan on the possible fate of Rissonik. After some detective work and a search, they found Rissonik trapped in a large abandoned ruin, where Tnossok had been forcing him to kill Clan dissenters and other undesirables for him. They had managed to free Rissonik without being detected, but Rissonik's rescue did not go without notice for long. Tnossok confronted them in Naosha's estate that very night and a fight ensued. It was only with the help of the K'Satizitus that Trazu was able to prevent Tnossok from slaying the ones he loved.

After the wounds had healed and Rissonik claimed his rightful place as Sha'tor of the K'Satikur Clan, Trazu finally felt it was time to start a family of his own. However during the incubation phase of their eggs, the Clan was attacked and Tzosha lost her life defending their unhatched children. Trazu was devestated by her death and slipped into a state of depression. Varcanna, who took over as brood mother for the eggs, managed to bring him out of his despressed state for a time, until the eggs hatched. The last egg to hatch revealed a hatchling that bore an uncanny likeness to her deceased mother and Trazu lost it. Before his family could stop him, he had fled Trandosha out of despair and grief, not wanting to be near the ones that reminded him of what he had lost. Once again he found himself on Talus, a shadow of his former self, wallowing in his own self pity and grief.

(Seeds of Light and Dark)Nearly two years after he left Trandosha, he encountered a strange man who spoke things that at first sounded like crazy talk. But when the K'Satizitus itself started talking to him, basically agreeing with what the man was saying, Trazu found his will diminishing. He was quickly convinced to turn to the Dark Side.

(Walking in the Shadows) Some uncounted time later, Trazu roamed to a sparse planet. He was an apprentice without a Master, save for the K'Satizitus, having abandoned his Master for some yet unknown reason. While exploring underground ruins that he was drawn to via the Force, he met a creature that 'claimed' to be the Keeper of the place and together they traveled to a chamber that held a strange large sphere. Upon touching it, Trazu found his mind thrown back to the past, reliving the day his beloved Tzosha lost her life. He learned one thing that devestated him even more then her death itself: it could have been prevented. In a flash of anger and grief, he lashed out at the one that kept him from knowing his mate was in danger: the K'Satizitus. However the spirit was counting on this and used his blind rage to entrap him within his own mind and take full control of his body for itself. But from this position, Trazu managed to discover the chink in the K'Satizitus' armor and managed to send a mental message to the 'Keeper' with this information, along with a plea to go to Trandosha and seek out his father.

(Unwelcome Vistor) Trapped in his own mind by the K’Satizitus, Trazu was had to use all his willpower to prevent the spirit from convincing his son Silonik to come with him. That had sapped all his reserves of strength, but fortunately Master Leia was able to stop the spirit from going to far, though the spirit surely would have eventually overwhelmed the Jedi master if something more dire to the spirit hadn’t caused it to retreat.

(Beginning and End of All things) The spirit took his body back to Trandosha and started frantically searching for it’s skull, the last remaining part of it’s original body in life. Trazu could only watch the proceedings helplessly, praying his father and their allies would find the skull and destroy it before the spirit did. His prayers were answered, for an albino Trandoshan named Asri found and was able to destroy the skull just as the spirit got to the location. For the first time in months, Trazu could use his body again and enjoyed all the sights, sounds and smells before he lost consciousness due to the strain of having been possessed for so long.

(Penitence) Trazu was now free of the K’Satizitus, but the crimes he had committed weighed heavily on him. He returned to Naboo to seek counsel with the Jedi Order, asking to be tried for his many crimes while under the influence of the spirit. Instead of punishment as he expected, he got pardoned and Master Dolash gave him guidance on what to do with his life. Grateful for the second chance, he dove into the new lessons to strengthen his mind in the Force. He also started counseling Asri, whom had many secrets she was reluctant to reveal and whom he was developing a growing affection for. He soon had to leave however, as Dolash was interested the caves Trazu had told him about.

(One step at a time) Trazu leads Dolash, Marek, and a number of other Jedi (including a stow-away Lavality) to the cave he found before being completely taken over by the spirit. Inside they found the cave system twisted and warped due to the ‘damage’ the Force had sustained by as of yet unknown cause.