Biographies Archive

Vonta Horn
Posted By
Vonta Horn
Posted On
02/02/2005 at 10:00 PM
Author: Vonta Horn. Posted At: 02/02/2005 at 10:00 PM
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Titles: Jedi Padawan, Jensaarai Defender, Aiki adept, Teepo apprentice, Observer order Jedi Knight
Trades: Fighter ace, mechanic, inventer, mystic, archeologist, Jedi
Organizations affiliated with: The rebellion, The New Alliance, The Observer Order, Vinda Corperation.
Hieght: 5'6
Hair: Ebony black cut short with no actual hair style for the most part
Skin: a semi-tanned white tone that looks like it has seen it's share of action
hands: small and dexterous
Build: Athletic and toned

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Vonta Horn is a character that keeps on fighting no matter what the cost. Through her life she has been through every imaginable hardship but has always managed to come out on top of things. Vonta Horn is a member of the Halcyon line of Jedi knights. Her grandmother was a Jedi knight. A cousin of Nyjaa Halcyon she also died during the clone wars. But not before having a son. Vonta's father changed his name to Horn. As coincidences go this was one of them. He just happened to also take the name Horn just as Corran’s family had.

Her family rose to prominence in the bureaucracy of the Impirial senate. And while working as an agent of the rebellion the son met his end when the empire cuaght on to him. While trying to protect his daughter, a young vonta horn, he lost his life. It was at this time that Vonta used her latent Jedi abilities for the first time. Fooling the storm troopers chasing her that she was not present in the ally that she cowwered in, desperately willing her self invisible, and strangely enough succeeding.

After words she was taken in by the Rebellion at the tender age of 7 years old. During this time she stayed with varies induviduals, mostly female wookiees that wanted to look after her until she could manage on her own. The wookiees were star fighter mechanics and from them she learn the trade. Fixing up fighters with the mechanics corps. In her few belongings that her father had secreted to the rebellion in the event that his assets were siezed was her grandmother's light saber. The silver bladed hummed to life and she practiced as best she could with it, along with a full family history of the Halcyons. She destroyed it after she read it. Making sure that she would not be found out in writing, there were many people that would gladly sell out a jedi to the highest bidder. Even if they were just a person with mere potential and no actual training they were worth money for the huge bounties the empire put on such persons.

As a mechanic she trained her body and mind. Repeating certain illusions like the one that saved her life when her father was killed, it was during this training that she came under the tutelage of the former Royal Guards man from Alderaan, Greyy Trespe. Trespe was as loyal to the empire as a person could get. At least up until they blew up his planet and tried to kill him for as a threat to the security of the empire. He joined the empire adding his expertise to the rebel ranks. He caught Vonta training with her grand mothers silver light saber one night. Normal people would not have been able to follow here. Only someone with a very strong will could do so. This was her good fortune. For Greyy knew how much of an asset that a jedi could be to the rebellion, even one only partially trained using the principles of his royal guard training in physical prowess and in the peaceful philosophies that he learned on Alderaan he taught her the art of war and peace.

Honing her abilities through her teens she became an ace on the X-wing with her R5 unit at her side while keeping her growing abilities a secret. Greyy never deemed that she was ready for combat as a full fledged jedi until after the fall of the empire. After that time he worked with her independent of any of the other jedi working to end what was left of the empire.

When the time was right, Vonta Decided to join the Jedi academy, under the tutelage of Master Leia Organa solo she begain to expand her horizons. Foolishly she challenged prominent Sith such as Ahnk to deuls that she lost and learned from. Through the years of training at the academy she added in the Government of The New Alliance(TNA), forming an opposition to the empire in addition to the failing New Republic.

In TNA, she had access to unlimited supplies to use her inborn abilities of inventing to create many inventions. Among them are her droids, she had an affinity for creating them. First she made a successful line of Positronic droids: Code names A1, B2, C3, And D4. All were raised as normal sentient beings. In that way she counteracted the common problem of the hacking droids short attention spans that deviated them from their given work. These droids were taught the importance of their work and the value of the lives of the persons that they worked with. One of them C3 took this too another level. He sought to destroy the source of evil in the universe. The Sith and darkforce users. He decided to work on his own to fighter their evil. Stealing a Phase three darktrooper frame from Vontas workshop and Evolving to C4 the sith hunter.

Her personal ship the Saberstrike became her personal vessel. She out fitted it with all the latest technologies. Additions to it included replacing an entire deck with a librairy, work shop and holo-training rooming. Eventually she outfitted it with it’s own droid mind. A version of the HRD syntha-droid brain, Saber was given form with a holo-graphic projection. Later she added a counter part syntha-droid named strike. She shared an uplink with her counter part so that they share memories like a single entity. Eventually the two made this an optional ability and the two now have separate personalities. ‘Strike’ acting as the hand of ‘Saber’.

The constant companion of Vonta horn in all of her journeys was the R5 unit Cipher. He was able to analyze and hack the best of the programs with Vonta’s modifications. He even carries a blaster for his own protection, limited to the stun setting of course.

As an Experiment Vonta designed a unique Zed model droid that made it more effective in the field, the Droid Zed 9 was designed to be able to shoot to kill under certain conditions. The normal units were limited to none lethal force but this meant that sometimes they were left at a sever disadvantage that put innocent lives at risk. The Zednine that Vonta created was a proto-type model. Though he proved effective as TNA head of security forces, his model was never put into mass production before the fall of the Alliance so he remains a unique unit to this day.

The TNA was not able to stand against the Empire and fell to them leaving Vonta to retreat back to the jedi temple to complete her training in Jedi arts. In the jedi Temples she plowed through the librairies that had been collected from recovered artifacts. She learned about old techniques and mastered them over the course of many years. Preventing her from becoming a Jedi Knight because she was too busy mastering old ways, she was a seeker of the old ways and an active jedi that choose to become active in the universe before her master deemed her ready. Her place in the order was not clear enough to her. The future was a blur to her as she sought to make her path. Only in one day of meditation did she feel a tug towards a destination that she did not understand. She was pulled someplace and given only one word of to make sense of it. “Aiki.”

The force was calling her to find the lost paths of other force users that were lost along with the Jedi. The Aiki order, a group of force users that emphasized none light saber combat, was lost at the same time as the jedi. Wiped out to the last person it was believed to be lost for ever to the annals of time. Now she was called to it, to revive it or just to find it’s remenants she did not know witch. She only heeded to her call.

Bidding goodby to the Jedi order she found a single master Aiki there, a nohgri of all species, Master Irman Nogar. He was a person that stole away the Light-bo of Aiki founder, Master Morehie. At the behest of the force ghost of the Aiki of the same name. The long lived master hide his home under ground thousands of years before anyone else started building the contemporary buildings. There he trained and their Vonta found the last Aiki. For a year she trained with him. Learning what she could of his art.

Her studies were cut short when the force pulled at her again. This time to a planet of seemingly dark force users that turn out to be lightsiders of a new veriety. The Jensaarai added a philosophy of defense to her force philosophy. All of their arts are based on protection. Here she stayed for another year.

Pulled for a third time she lands in the middle of trouble. The Teepo Palidins, the blaster art Jedis, had reformed during the end of the empire. With their ranks swelling because of the lesser force abilities needed for force blaster combat they combated the dark force users known as the Krath. A cult that sought to reap chaos over the universe, the Krath themselves were dark force beings that lived in the force itself. With the help of certain artifacts they could forcefully take control of force sensitive individuals turning them into their tools and slaves. With the Teepos crashed and at the mercy of the Krath she acted in time to save their ranks, only to be captured by them later. They attempted to force her to become their deciple. But thanks to a rescue involving the Teepos, Irman Nogar, and several other selfless heros she was saved.

With her brief time with the Teepos Vonta learned the art of force blaster combat. Giving her an offensive philosophy to add on top of all of the others she was trying to integrate together.

She retired to the Jedi order to finish her training as a Jedi. To become a jedi knight. But the falling out with master Organa continued. So Vonta Horn was caste out of the order, not by word, no, she could have remained if she had so wished. But with the scorn of the head of her order and the forbidding of her to teach the Observer arts to any other students she was confined. And after all that she had down she could not be confined like this. It was against her nature. So still a padawan she left the order to become a jedi with her own path. What she dubbed as an Observer Jedi, a person that watches and listens to other force philosophies to come to their own conclusions about what it means to be a Jedi.

On a battle on the planet of Naboo she stood face to face with her oldest rival. Chikama. She faced him as a sith apprentice, he was her equal then and she was nearly his equal now. But there was no chance to face him on equal ground as he attacked her in tangent with his own apprentice. The city of Otta Gunga was destroyed all the same in the end and Vonta would have died if she had not been teleported away from danger by the Aing-tii.

On an Aing-tii vessel she was judged force her actions of seeking out the old force ways. If there was anything that she was doing wrong she did not understand it. She was being judged by them on grounds that she simply did not understand. There she met friends and foes among their ranks. But in the end she prevailed over their judgment. Returning among friends over a month from when she had been kidnapped.

Assumed missing or dead all of the members of varies groups vonta had encountered had converged on the Alderaanian Guard on the planet of Almania. There they demanded the Greyy Trespe, vonta’s first teacher, use his resources to help them find her. For the force users knew that she yet lived. The dialogue that started between them served as the foundation of the Observer order that was founded on Almania.

Over the years Vonta trained many adepts at her academy. Living peacefully to find their own paths in the force.

After her encounter with the Aing-tii she was surprised to find that she was now a jedi knight in power now as well as knowledge.