Biographies Archive

Telan Desaria (TGE)
Posted By
Telan Desaria
Posted On
02/24/2005 at 12:06 AM
Author: Telan Desaria. Posted At: 02/24/2005 at 12:06 AM
Telan Desaria, Baron of Raenoria
Galactic Empire
Grand Admiral
Commander of the Imperial Guard

Species: Human
Homeworld: Kuat
Height: 2.05 Meters
Physical Build: Thin/lithe
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Defining Characteristics: Extensive Army/chest scarring, three of note on face

Early Years

Telan Desaria was born the eldest son of Baron Kiman Desaria and his wife, Baroness Xennis Desaria, nee Ferion. Baron Kiman served as a Director of Military Engineering at the famed Kuat Drive Yards after a wound attained while a Lieutenant-General in the Imperial Army left him unable to continue active service. The eldest of three sons and two daughters, Telan, departed for the Imperial Academy on Raltiir at the age of sixteen.

While attending university, Desaria earned the planet shockball title and became the most renownded swordsman in his class. He was continually asked to pose for propaganda holos for he excelled not only at physical activities but flourished in the realm of war. As a result of unflinching dedication, Desaria was selected to be one of one-hundred students to serve on the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Pariah during a three-month training cruise.

The Pariah came under attack by Alliance ships and its command tower was neutralized. Desaria assumed command of the ship from the auxilliary bridge, oversaw repairs, and drove off the raiders. Upon putting in to the port of Brentaal, the young cadet was breveted Lieutenant and graduated early on the personal orders of Commodore Lawrence Almair, Sector Group commander.

For his actions aboard the Star Destroyer Pariah, Lieutenant Baron Telan Desaria was awarded the Imperial Cross.

Later Career

Telan Desaria was moved into the Imperial Tactical Replacement Division after the Battle of Corazaan when his right side was shredded by shrapnel. The Navy Personnel Office had no spaces open for a recovering Captain - his rank was thus trasnferred to Colonel.

When rogue Admiral Snowkan attacked, Desaria was nearly completed with his physical therapy. An officer of the General Staff arrived offering the Baron a squadron command - he departed against the orders of every doctor in the building. Desaria assumed command of the Brass Protectorate Fleet and, after proving himself to a new cadre of masters, was returned to a Naval rank - Commodore.

Time progresses and a new threat arose - the Rogue Empire. Ignoring the political aspects of war, he threw himself into work with a furious efficiency that pleased any above. Brilliantly executing maneuvers against the 3rd Jutraalian Fleet, Desaria was awarded the Imperial Cross with Pforr Leaves and promoted to Rear Admiral.

Ordered to remove himself from front line services, Marshal Simon Kaine placed Desaria as his right-hand in a secretive operation to relieve the Chiss of their infamous Gates. For his coup-de-main in reducing the fortress of Freughte, Desaria was made Admiral.

Following the destruction of the Jutraalian Death Star, Desaria was placed under investigation by the Inquisitoriate. His sense of honour had always been a prevalent aspect of his life and the sparing of a cruiser-laden with refugees was enough to commence a probe. Though found innocent of any wrongdoing on the personal intervention of Regent Hyfe, Desaria would harbor a deep hatred of the 'Red Terror' for the remainder of his days.

Modern Events

Currently Desaria holds the rank of Grand Admiral, promoted in a grand ceremony on Coruscant by Marshal Kaine himself in the presence of Emperor Hyfe. The Baron's first campaign as Grand Admiral is in aide of Marshal Joachim Murat of the Imperial Army in their quest to conquer Hutt Space. Their enemy often blends with civlians and as such, those numbers have been high - but all Guardsman know that above their personal sense of honour is the Greater Glory of the Empire.

Among his citations is the Imperial Cross with Pforr Leaves, Crossed Sabres, and Rubies. His other decorations are numerous but none brings him as much pride as the Cross. He has brought numerous worlds into the Empire and while those nets have not been as sweeping as those of Moff Gevel, he has a reputation as a superb if not brilliant tactician. By his own word, he is not a strategist and heavily relies on able members of the General Staff to plan to detail the great offensives for which he has been famous.

Being Kuati, he has been able to retain a young figure and has maintained a trim physique through ritual useage of Imperial Training Centres. He appears only half of his forty-years.

Telan Desaria is also the only officer officially titled as part of High Command to have appeared on the cover of the popularist magazine Modern Imperial.
Author: Telan Desaria. Posted At: 03/05/2005 at 10:20 AM

Listed in order of prominence

Imperial Cross with Sabres, Pforr Leaves, and Rubies
Cross of Valor, 1st and 2nd Class
Distinguished Service Medal
Order of Rothar (Native Kuati Aristocratic Medal)
Grand Cross of the Order of the Black Eagle (Native Brigian Decoration)*
Legion of Merit
Order of Tarkin

* awarded for the liberation of that world from pagan control.
Author: Telan Desaria. Posted At: 07/19/2005 at 07:10 PM
Grand Admiral Desaria commands the formations of the Imperial Guard from his flagship, the Reign-class Star Destroyer Suvarov, named after a legendary naval officer who's command had to endure a seven-month voyage to finally meet its enemy: in that battle the fleet met a magnificent and glorious end. Commanding the Suvarov is Captain Lenux Vorran, a Balmorran officer of good standing. He serves as the de facto executive commander of the Guard-armada and as a Captain in that formation is the equal to a Rear Admiral in any other, no member of High Command has voiced an objection.
Author: Telan Desaria. Posted At: 10/29/2006 at 06:50 PM
Flag currently on the Conqueror-class Star Destroyer Intimidator