Biographies Archive

Han Solo
Posted By
Captain Han Solo
Posted On
04/12/2005 at 09:53 AM
Author: Captain Han Solo. Posted At: 04/12/2005 at 09:53 AM
Character Name: Han Solo

Status: Smuggler, Captain of the Millennium Falcon

Description: Han is of average height with a slim build. With dark brown hair, which is usually scruffy, and brown eyes, Han has features which most female humanoids find attractive - especially his charming lop-sided grin, which has won him many a young woman's heart. Typically dressed in a white shirt, navy pants (featuring Corellian Blood stripes) and old spacer boots, Han's clothing is worn and shows that he has owned the clothing for a while. Around his waist he has a Durasteel belt, which has a holster strapped to his right thigh; the holster has been modified, cut lower, so that his Blaster can be drawn easier without fear of catching.

Personal Effects: Han has his personal BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster, which he has modified to beyond regulation standards. Some of the modifications include a filed down trigger guard, as well as trigger, which in conjunction with the low cut holster allows for quick drawing. The second modification is the additional scope which has been added to the top of the weapon, which allows for greater accuracy at distance shots if needed.

Han is also the Captain of the Millennium Falcon, which is still managing to hold herself together even to this day.

Personality: Han is overly confident and arrogant. He possesses a wry, sarcastic wit, and a reckless manner, and this often gets him into predicaments that only his foolhardy courage can get him out of. Han is pragmatic, some would say mercenary, and his personality can often rub most people the wrong way.

Han is well traveled, and claims to have been from one side of the galaxy to the other. And for a time, Solo didn't believe in the Force, attributing it to simple luck, yet his past experiences with the Skywalkers have changed his views somewhat.

History: If, at the height of his smuggling days, you told Han Solo that he would be a hero of the Rebellion, fall in love with an Alderaanian princess, and become a general in the Alliance, he would have had no shortage of smart remarks for you. But if anything is consistent in Solo's life, it is unpredictability.

Han and his Wookiee first mate and co-pilot Chewbacca had a variety of adventures throughout their long careers as smugglers. By hanging out on the fringe of galactic society, Solo not only made useful allies, but powerful enemies. Han eventually met up with a young gambler named Lando Calrissian. After a period of adventuring, Han won Lando's freighter, the Millennium Falcon in a heated sabacc game.

Han and Chewie made countless modifications to the dilapidated Corellian freighter, souping up the Falcon to become an incredibly fast and well-armed smuggling vessel. During a stretch of bad fortune, Solo was forced to jettison a cargo of contraband spice belonging to the gangster Jabba the Hutt. The gangster put a price on his head so large that bounty hunters across the galaxy would come searching for the Corellian and his Wookiee first mate. Desperate for cash, Solo took a charter to the Alderaan system. He was to transport Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio from Tatooine to Alderaan for the price of 17,000 credits.

When arriving at Alderaan, they discovered the planet destroyed, and were taken captive by the Imperial Death Star. Han agreed to rescue the captive Princess Leia Organa if he was to be rewarded, and rewarded well. After escaping from the Death Star, Han took the Rebels to their base on Yavin 4. Han decided not to participate in the Alliance's desperate attack against the Death Star, preferring to take his reward and leave. It was in mid-transit that Solo had a change of heart, and joined the battle just in time to cripple Darth Vader's ship, and allow Luke enough time to destroy the station. For his efforts, Han was awarded a medal of honor.

The number of enemies in Solo's past haunted him during his years with the Rebellion. Solo's debt to Jabba eventually accumulated to the point that the gangster placed a death mark on Solo's head, and sent a number of bounty hunters after him. Several bounty hunters almost succeeded in collecting during run-ins on Ord Mantell.

Han received an acting rank of captain in the Alliance, and accompanied the Rebels on numerous missions and adventures. His Millennium Falcon was stationed on Hoth's Echo Base during the Imperial attack there. When Princess Leia Organa was cut off from her transport vessel, she used the Falcon to escape from the besieged base. Despite a number of malfunctions, the Falcon was able to avoid the Imperial Fleet for a time. During quiet moments, when Solo set the Falcon down for repairs, he and Leia grew closer.

When the Falcon escaped Hoth, Darth Vader made it a priority to have it captured. Vader posted a reward, and dispatched a number of bounty hunters. One of them, Boba Fett, eventually captured Solo at Bespin's Cloud City. There, Solo was taken prisoner by Darth Vader, and underwent carbon freezing for transportation back to Jabba the Hutt. Han was encased in carbonite, where he remained in perfect hibernation. Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke planned a mission to rescue him from Jabba's fortress on Tatooine.

When his friends arrived at Jabba's palace, Han was freed from his carbonite coffin. He suffered from a mild case of hibernation sickness. A battle ensued wherein Han's friends ultimately destroyed the Hutt crime lord. With Jabba dead, Solo's debt was effectively erased. Solo also managed to knock Boba Fett into the gaping maw of the Sarlacc creature, ending that long-standing threat.

Rejoining the Alliance Fleet, Solo received the commission of General. He was put in charge of a strike team sent to the moon of Endor. Their mission was to destroy the shield generator that protected the second Death Star high in orbit. With the help of the native Ewoks, the Rebel strike force defeated the Imperial forces, and destroyed the generator, paving the way for the victory at the Battle of Endor.

History Resource:

Solo was finally able to openly express his love for Princess Leia, and three days after the Battle of Endor, the two were wed. Despite his best efforts, Solo had some trouble adjusting to life after Endor. He nonetheless aided the fledgling Alliance of Free Planets by visiting worlds, petitioning them for membership in the Galactic Congress, an important meeting that would determine the future of galactic government. As the New Republic emerged, Solo continued to be an important contact in the smuggler community, even though many had thought he had gone respectable and was no longer one of them.

As time passed, Han and Leia, along with Luke, continued to serve to aid the New Republic. Traveling from system to system, the group was constantly hounded by the fledging remains of the Empire, who wished for revenge on the heroes of the rebellion; many battles and skirmishes were fought, and still onward the trio continued, intent on seeing what they all had worked so hard for coming to stable existence within the galaxy.

Eventually, the Alliance began acting bolder, deciding on grasping more from the shattered remains of the Imperials. It was around this time that both Han and Leia were approached by Alliance Intelligence; reportedly the Imperial presence on Coruscant had been greatly diminished with the Alliance's rise, and Intelligence believed that with Han and Leia’s past success in recruiting former Imperial worlds into the new government, command felt they were the most suited for the task of setting about claiming Coruscant under the Alliance banner.

Han, from the get go, had a bad feeling about the mission, and the same feelings were expressed by their constant companion and friend, Chewbacca. Yet, undeterred, Leia’s selfless dedication to what the Alliance was working towards eventually made them both agree to at least attempt the political mission. Little did they know, but the events that transpired on Coruscant would ultimately change their lives forever…

When Han, Leia, and Chewie arrived at Coruscant, they quickly discovered that the Alliance Intelligence reports had been… incomplete, to say the least. While the Imperial military presence on Coruscant was virtually nonexistent, the planet’s inhabitants were just as loyal to the Empire as they had been before the death of the Emporer. They had known nothing else, having been thoroughly brainwashed by Imperial propaganda over the years.

Upon arriving on Coruscant, the group were greeted by an aggressive show of force. Left with no other choice, Han, Leia, and Chewie were forced to evade being captured by the Coruscant security force. In doing so, they were also forced to cut all contact with the Alliance, in order to remain from Imperial eyes. With no options, the trio decided to try their luck in the lower levels of the city planet, disappearing into the depths of Imperial Center...

***Sometime during this period, for reasons that Han to this very day has been unwilling to reveal to anyone for any reason, he and Leia parted ways, to travel their own separate paths.***

Once again alone, Han (with his faithful companion, Chewie) began working toward finding a way off of Coruscant. For a time, the two were forced to make a living in the lower levels, dealing with many types from the criminal element; from theft, smuggling and roughing up work, Han and Chewie had to work their way into the underground networks, all in an attempt to make contacts needed for their escape.

After what seemed a lifetime being back in his old business, Han and Chewie managed to gather enough reputation that they could pull in favors needed. Calling one of his new contacts, Han was able to gather transportation from Coruscant; As the two friends were boarding their shuttle, under the guise of musicians for a traveling band, Han still swears to this day that he saw Leia accompanied by two humans and an amphibian-like alien with long ears. Yet, despite his wishes to reach the woman who reminded him of his wife, Han was forced to board by Chewie - who up until this point had given his human friend a considerable amount of freedom concerning his well being. This chance, however, could not be missed.

Since leaving Coruscant, Han had attempted to make contact with Leia through the Alliance. Though command had remained firm in their having heard no word from Organa, Han knew that remaining with the Republic now would just feel... wrong. Severing his ties with the Alliance, Han and Chewie moved on with their lives, once again becoming the infamous partnership of the past. For a time, Han was able to forget his past, just focusing on regaining his reputation within the galaxies smuggling community.

By luck, Han and Chewie stumbled across a familar face from back in the day, and on Ord Mantell, they were reunited with the Millennium Falcon. According to what little records were available, the Falcon had been impounded on Coruscant, before being sold to a business company who shipped foodstuffs for various systems. Though the business owner soon found that the battered YT-1300 was below operating standard and, in turn, sold it off as scrap to be melted and recast as hull plating; it appeared Han had arrived just in time to save his old girl. Back on their game, with their ship once again intact, Han and Chewie ventured out into the galaxy, reclaiming their place as the premiere smugglers of the golden days.

During such a smuggling run, disaster seemed to come calling for the two smugglers. On a delivery to the Elrood System, the Millennium Falcon came under attack by a pirate group known as the Crimson Blades. In order to evade their attackers, Han was forced to dive the Falcon into the dense jungles of Rutan. Having escaped their pursuit for the moment, Han and Chewie began hiking toward the nearby city, where they hoped they could find a spaceport; In order to throw off the Blades, the two friends would part ways, to better elude the pirates. They would then meet as soon as possible on the planet Kashyyyk.

Though, secretly Han knew he would not see Chewie again, as he had plans of his own; and as much as it pained him, Solo couldn't keep reminding himself of the past, so he had to let his life long friend go.

Now, very much alone, Han skipped his transport to the Mid Rim, instead laying low in the city on Rutan. For the next month, Han ventured between the Millennium Falcon, making repairs during the day, while returning to his apartment at nights. Finally, after weeks of constant repairs, Han being forced to use the savings in his account from his Republic days on parts, the Falcon was space worthy once more.

Leaving the planet Rutan, Han began his new life under his name sake; Solo...