Biographies Archive

Darth Talus
Posted By
Darth Talus
Posted On
06/09/2005 at 11:43 AM
Author: Darth Talus. Posted At: 06/09/2005 at 11:43 AM
Please note that this document was written expressly for Talus' involvement in the Four Fatal Flaws RP, and as such emphasises certain aspects of his character (that are relevant to this RP) at the expense of others. A more comprehensive biography is forthcoming.

Also, if you wish to contact me re: anything, please PM my Chau Ming account. cheers

Important things you should know when roleplaying with Darth Talus:

Talus was created in a lab to be one of those super soldier biological weapon things. He is roughly two metres tall, with large, patchy scales (of a brownish yellowish colour) and a long, whiplash tail. He has claws, not nails. He is reptilian and, although he understands basic, can only communicate in hisses and spits. Thus he has a small translator affixed to his neck which speaks for him in a monotone. Effect and meaning are suggested by Talus' body language and his general Force aura.

Talus is built to be a fighter, and so rarely uses the Force in combat. He does not wield a lightsabre (he does however own a small knife made from an unknown alloy which is resistant to a lightsabre's blade). Despite being well equipped to fight on his own Talus prefers to employ others, namely his small clone army, to do his dirty work for him.

This is where Talus' true power in the Force shines through. While most Sith or Dark Jedi use the Force to aid them in combat, Talus readily neglects these aspects to focus on awareness and mind control. With most of his energy and studies shunted into this specific area Talus has developed considerable skill in forcing his will on others, this being most readily apparent in his almost absolute control of his clones (note: not clones of Talus, but clone "army").

Talus is quick to anger, and often arbitrarily takes out vengence on his subordinates (after all, he can always clone more). He enjoys testing/torturing his clones to the extremes, the satisfaction he gets from this stemming from his time as a lab-rat. Basically a lot of his motivation comes from being created in a lab to be a super-soldier type creature, then tortured to near breaking-point by the scientists working on him before escape and slaughtering them all. He was bred sexless (I simply refer to him as a "he" as it's easier) and being the only one of his kind feels kinda like his line is finished. Thus the clones (gives him a sense of accomplishment to create life when he was engineered to not be able to) and his horrific treatment of them (as this is the way he was treated by his own creators).

Talus' whole life since his escape has basically just been a galaxy-wide hunt for perfect genetic material to clone, as well as knowledge (of both cloning techniques and relevant Force powers to assist in that). This explains his involvement in the creation of Xieron's Achrion army, as well as a lot of the planet hopping/raiding he took part in (cloning materials cost cash, yo. Plus he had to find competent warriors and other types to build up his stock of genetic material).

So yeah, that's about it. He has a lust to create life, then to destroy it in testing for weaknesses and start over again. His connection to the Force was accidental (his creators didn't do it on purpose) and he uses it mostly to further his aims of creating the perfect heir. Or some bullshit like that.
Author: Natalya Vinda. Posted At: 06/10/2005 at 12:34 AM
Or some bullshit like that.

Author: Darth Nihilius. Posted At: 06/10/2005 at 12:39 AM
I can't stop laughing. It's hilarious to say.