Biographies Archive

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06/12/2005 at 06:19 AM
Author: Zarith. Posted At: 06/12/2005 at 06:19 AM
Name: Zarith Starlon

Age: 27
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 225 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: blue

Relations: None Living

Description: Zarith is a handsome man, some would call him a lady-killer with his looks He had a handsome face, marred only by a scar that ran from above his left eye, across his nose and below his right eye. He has piercing blue eyes, possibly his most remarkable feature. He is of fairly average build, muscular but not overly so. Zarith always dresses exceptionally well and does his best to give off a neat and clean impression His typical attire is black pants with matching boots that shined in the light, a heavy black shirt with a collar, and a black cape that drapes over his shoulders. He is nearly covered in black, his hands being in black gloves as well. Other than his head and face, only a lightsaber on his belt gives off any color. The weapon appears dull, heavily worn and quite old.

Homeworld: Coruscant

Affiliation: Sith Order

Gear: Red bladed lightsaber

Rank: Apprentice

History: Zarith came from a wealthy family, a family whose wealth was built on weapons manufacturing. It was one of the older, elite families that had taken on an aristocratic feel to it, as if there money and status made them royalty. Zarith had a life of luxury at his fingertips, but instead chose to try and earn his own way. He learned the fighting arts, particularly fencing, and trained with the company’s own defense forces. He balanced this with lessons in the aristocratic arts, how to speak, how to dress, and was prepped to take control of the family financial empire. Then it all fell apart.

A Holonews report broke a story the family’s fortune had been made in part by a Sith Lord in the distant past. The company had been created to supply various weapons to the evil force users, and that one of the Sith had even married into the family and the Sith bloodline was now in Zarith. The company’s value plummeted as the public boycotted the company for it’s Sith ties. Zarith watched as the money and prestige disappeared, and his father withered and died under the strain, his mother committing suicide shortly thereafter.

Zarith flew into a rage, and it was then that he first truly touched the darkside. Zarith enjoyed the new rush of power that his rage gave him, and he used it to murder the reporter who broke the story. The young man took the rest of his family’s money and fled into the Coruscant underground. Here he researched the Sith and learned how to survive. His already considerable fighting skills were only heightened by the brutal fighting that goes on in the lower depths of Coruscant. It was here that he gained his scar. Zarith was able to acquire the lightsaber, which he believes belonged to his ancestor, and a ship to take him to Xal Fel, a place he had heard about in his hunt for Sith information, and a planet he felt draw to. He has enrolled in the Sith academy there and is currently an apprentice.