Biographies Archive

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06/15/2005 at 08:12 PM
Author: Vash. Posted At: 06/15/2005 at 08:12 PM

Vash awoke drearily as the dim lighting of the cavern came into view. His head wobbled slightly before falling backwards. He blinked lazily and stretched out his fingers. He felt as if he had been awoke from a hundred year sleep. Mostly because he had.

Vash ran his hand across his cheek, making sure this wasn't some kind of sleep induced fantasy. He felt the tingle of his nerve clusters awakening as let out a thunderous yawn. He forced his legs up and he rose from the chair that had been his resting place for almost a century. With all the grace of a lumbering bantha he rose and slowly walked forward. Vash stretched his arms high into the air, magnifying his already massive frame even further.

As feeling began to return to his body, Vash took a glance at the surrounding area. He was in a dimly lit cave, adorned with only a few overhanging lights that made a pathway of light to the only visible door in the room. From what he could see it was a simple cave, what planet he was on was anyone's guess.

His mind was now regaining feeling. He struggled to remember why he had come here. Gen'Dai were known for their massive lifespans and their ability to go in regernerative hybernating states. He wracked his brain for several minutes while stretching but the answer never came to him. The only thing he could remember was landing his ship in this underground docking facility and running into this room. He must have been injured quite fataly to have been in such a hurry. But he knew answers wouldn't be here.

Vash opened the door from his resting place and stepped into the turbolift. It shot up. It stayed at a constant speed for many minutes, travelling still upwards. He must have been damn near the center of this planet. He must have been running from something. Or someone. The turbolift came to a halt and the doors whooshed open.

The doors opened into a massive hangar bay. Several ships were sitting side by side. All of them looked as old as they probably were. Most were covered in dust and wobwebs, some were even starting to rust. All but one. One ship sat in the farthest corner of the bay, one Vash had never seen before. It was a tiny red ship, shaped like an A. Vash ran his hand along the embroidered letters.

The Kinslayer.

A good name, for a good ship. This ship had only docked recently. Was it for him? Or was he on someone else's planet? He didn't care, he just had to get out of here. The glass casing of the ship opened and Vash slid inside. It had a hyperdrive, excellent. Vash had been out of it a long time, he realized. He never remembered a ship this small being capable of Hyperspace travel. He fried up the engines and the bay door opened. He took a quick look down as the ship took off into space. The planet was covered in ice. He still had no idea where he was though.

As the ship moved into the blackness of space Vash engaged the hyperdrive.

"Setting course for..." Vash said outloud. Where was he going? SO many things could have changed in the time he was gone. He decided their was only one place he knew for sure he could rely on.

"Setting course for...Nal Hutta."

* * * * *

Affiliation: Freelance
Rank: N/A
Race: Gen'Dai
Gender: Male
Age: 400+
Weight: 330
Hair: Brown
Height: 6'7
Force Sensetive:No
Homeworld: Unknown
Armor/Clothing: Specially Fitted Battle Armor
Armaments: Several plasma grenade, dual hold-out pistols
Ship: The Kinslayer (A-Wing)


At the moment Vash is unsure of his history. He knows he is old, not by Gen'Dai standards of course, as he was in stasis for around eighty years. He does not recall what caused him to go into hybernation, though it must have been very near-fatal to have caused such long term memory and ability loss. He is nearly 6'8 and is very near three-hundred pounds with his battle armor on. It is blaster resistant, but not proof. He is freelance at the moment, but is looking to join up with the Union.
* * * * *