Biographies Archive

Bhindi Drayson, Grand Moff
Posted By
Demosthenes X
Posted On
06/22/2005 at 05:14 AM
Author: Demosthenes X. Posted At: 06/22/2005 at 05:14 AM
[center][size=5][b]Bhindi Drayson [img][/img] [size=4]Grand Moff of the New Order [/size][/b][/size] [left] Bhindi Drayson was born shortly before the Battle of Yavin on Imperial Centre, the daughter of Hiram Drayson. Bhindi's early years were in the midst of civil war, of which her father was an active part, fleeing the Empire. Upon the fall of Coruscant to the New Republic, Bhindi was enrolled at the Republic Prenaval School, where she excelled in critical thinking and planning. Her marks in these areas of schooling would lead her to RTOCS, the Republic Tactical and Operational Command School. When Bhindi graduated from RTOCS three years later, now established on Corellia, the galaxy was a vastly different place. On her graduation day, the Empire launched a daring and devastating attack on the New Republic. Hiram Drayson was recalled for duty to defend the Corellian Sector from the aggression of the New Order. Bhindi never heard from her father again, and the Republic brass refused to reveal the details of his disappearance. She later learned that Hiram had been killed in the defence of Corellia itself, denounced a traitor and executed at his post by the Jedi. Bhindi left Corellia, her idealistic view of the New Republic shattered forever. With the invasion of Corellia came the Wrath virus, which carved a swath through the galaxy and paved the way for powers independent of the Empire. One of these was the Holy Demosthesian Empire, which drew Bhindi in with its anti-Republican stance. With Wrath devastating the various fleets of the galactic governments, and on account of her marks and obvious talent, Bhindi rose quickly through the ranks of the Holy Demosthesian Empire, becoming a full Admiral within a few years. When the Holy Demosthesian Empire publicly declared itself, she was tasked with eliminating a Tholatin task force that had foolishly attempted to blockade the Imperial capital. Under her command, a joint strike force of HDE and Swarm ships [b][url=""]destroyed a Tholatin fleet[/url][/b], proving to the galaxy that Bhindi Drayson was worth her metal. Bhindi later went on to take the [b][url=""]Tholatin capital[/url][/b] (with the aide of the Swarm and the Crimson Regime, respectively), and though the world was [url=""][b]r[/b][b]etaken by Gash Jiren[/b][/url] some days later, the successful invasion and bombardment of the world was a warning sign to all enemies of the Holy Demosthesian Empire. However, even the security offered by the Empire was short-lived. Reports began to surface that Seti Ashar, the Emperor, was working in consort with the remnants of the New Republic in order to bring about the downfall of the New Order. Bhindi had sworn revenge against the Republic for the murder of her father, and now the Holy Demosthesian Empire was working with them. Bhindi went to Duro and met with Imperial Commodore Theren Gevel, and together the two oversaw the [b][url=""]destruction of the Holy Demosthesian Empire[/url][/b]. With her, Bhindi brought a fleet to rival that of the New Order and a dozen planetary systems, effectively making the New Order the most powerful government in the galaxy once more. Serving as an Admiral of the New Order, Bhindi oversaw the creation of the Yaga Minor Protectorate and the annexation of dozens of systems. She also saw the development of new weapons, including a number of capital ships and the Spartan-II 'super soldier' project. When the Galactic Coalition declared war against the Empire, Bhindi [b][url=""]defended Carida[/url][/b] against the Tholatin Republic, once again winning a victory against the Tholatin Prince and soundly defeating his fleet. From there, the young Admiral went on to crush [b][url=""]Kal'Shabbol[/url][/b], and her fleets saw the liberation of Abregado-rae. With the war over, the New Order entered a new Golden Age. Daemon Hyfe became Emperor, and presented Drayson with the Super Star Destroyer [i]Executor III[/i] (later rechristened [i]Acheron[/i]), and the title of Grand Moff of the New Order. [/left] [/center]

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