Biographies Archive

Kevinsanya Sorn
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12/01/2005 at 06:42 AM
Author: Kevinsanya. Posted At: 12/01/2005 at 06:42 AM

Name: Kevinsanya Sorn (apprentice)
Age: 13
Blood Type: A
Gender: Male
Species: Kiffar
Homeworld: Kiffu (4005 BBY)
Height: 1.1 m
Build: Medium, athletic build
Hair color/length: Brunette, short cropped
Eye Color: Green
Affiliation: The Jedi Order

- Black Jedi Under-tunic
- Grey Jedi Tunic
- Dark brown Leather Jedi Over-tunic
- Weighted gauntlets
- Jedi travel boots of the same color as the Over-tunic
- Utility Belt (see Equipment)

- Training Lightsaber
- Utility Belt (medpack, tool kit, spare power pack, spare energy cell, comlink)

- Teras kasi (physical and metaphysical unarmed combat discipline from Bunduki)
- Form 1
- Sokan (partial)

Like most Jedi of his time Kevinsanya was brought into the Jedi fold at a very young age. He was discovered during a Jedi expedition to the planet Kiffu by accident as the Jedi were demonstrating some of their equipment to the crowd. Kevinsanya was brought forward as a volunteer and was determined to have had an abnormally high midi-chlorian count for such a young being. So it was determined that when the Jedi left for Coruscant, Kevinsanya would leave with them.

He was found to be a promising student in the order but unfortunately he was also found to have a dark tinge to his thoughts and actions.
He always pushed himself. Sometimes attempting training at ten times the difficulty level given to trainees at that time. This was unfortunately seen as a thirst for power by the Masters and Knights.
He began to dwell in the Great Jedi Libraries of Coruscant and, when he could, Ossus. Thusly he had a great knowledge at his disposal and coupled with his intense studying he quickly became among the temple’s greatest students.

Approaching his 13th birthday Kevinsanya was beginning to grow desperate for if he did not find a master by his birthday he would be sent away to a farm planet as were the rules of the Jedi at that time.
What was to be Kevinsanya's last mock duel for the Masters to choose him resulted in a great moment in Jedi History. He was to fight another apprentice. This one was one year younger but exceptionally talented in the lightsaber, a twi'lek girl by the name of Aril Larfun, whom he called Ari.
Undeterred by the fact he had to fight his friend he attacked with everything he had. The duel lasted 00:33:47 minutes and seconds. The longest apprentice duel to be recorded at that time but perhaps this time is inaccurate for near the end of the duel Kevinsanya achieved something no Jedi would ever achieve again in recorded history.
So immersed in the force was he that he began to glow with a bright blue aura then he exploded in hot blue flames, disappearing from the timeline.

- He has a great talent for force powers revolving around telekinesis and foresight
- It has been theorized that Kevinsanya's random ability to 'time-jump' is an advanced form, or part of an advanced form, of Jedi Foresight ability. Where the user has enveloped themself so completely in the Force's flow that instead of meerly seeing the possible futures they throw themselves forward into it.
Author: General Grevious. Posted At: 12/02/2005 at 07:06 PM
So immersed in the force was he that he began to glow with a bright blue aura then he exploded in hot blue flames, disappearing from the timeline.

Author: Kevinsanya. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 03:50 AM


The history shall be added too as more rps are made.
Author: Irtar Mal'Gro. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 04:40 AM
The problem is the abilitiy to timejump screams 'OPEN DOOR FOR GODMODDERS'. And I'm sorry, but we allow creativity to a point. I'm not part of the Force Council but all I can say is that I don't think that your character will be able to stay with his ability to 'Time Jump'. Even with a valid reason. Just IMO.
Author: Kevinsanya. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 05:14 AM
What's 'IMO'.

I haven't said he can do it at will. He can't. It's a random occurance that makes it more of an annoyance then anything useful.
This character is the result of a question: "What would the Jedi of old think about the New Jedi Order?" And time jumping seems the logical conclusion.
If you have doubts about my professionalism in rping then check these sites and characters:

- .Hack//New World V5.0 Beta (Kevinsanya)
- Legends of Dragonia (Kevinsanya)
- Superhero Showdown (Batgirl, Cassandra Cain)
- Vital An Advanced Vampire RPG (Michael, Tei, Jason)

Other sites I'm on or have been on:

- Hack//Rebellion
- Star Wars Roleplay Center
- Teen Titans The Other Side of the Heroes
- Shokushu Campus (Warning, Adult Material)
- Shinobi Gudan

And let me assure you. I am not a godmodder. Nor am I a rookie.
Stop assuming I am either one.
Author: Master Ahnk. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 11:58 AM
Time jumping is not the logical conclusion at all.

You could have been cryogenically frozen.

In a coma.

Severely injured.

Old memories in a new clone.

A timeless robot, lost for centuries.

The ability to play with the time space continuem is not something TRF takes lightly. It has taken two groups a sequence of vast scientific advancement to reach the point where they could manipulate time, and even then at significant cost to the traveller in question. It's an almost impossible ability for a Jedi to attain. For a new roleplayer in the galaxy to possess the talent is simply not feasible.

No one came into the topic screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOB!!!" and leading an inquisition against you. General Grevious is a member of the TRF staff (as am I) and the concerns raised by Irtar Mal'Gro are valid ones. To allow such a powerful ability to be used by a person who is new to the galaxy (even if they are not new to RP itself) is a disastor waiting to happen, as even if in you it's use is practical and within the rules, it sets a precedent for the future that we would really rather not establish.

You seem like a competent enough roleplayer, but I'm sorry, the objections are valid. If you wish to modify your backstory and remove mention of time jumping then we will have no issue, but as it stands I can't really let such a powerful ability be utilized by a new member of the board.
Author: Seth Vinda. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 01:01 PM
Understand Kevinsanya, this is not a personal attack on you, we are just concerned, mainly due to past experiences.

We are pleased to have you here at TRF, hopefully we can work something out.
Author: Kevinsanya. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 02:08 PM
Master Ahnk. You're treating this plot device, for that is what it is, like it's some kind of skill. Attain? Kevinsanya attained this event like someone would 'attain' the event of spontenous combustion. Your acting as if I'm going to skip back and forth all over this board screaming that I know you did this and I know you're going to do that because I was there. Those are rookie moves.
I'm only interested in writing a story. That's all. I'm not here to take the entire galaxy into my n00b little fist.

As for the your suggestions:

- Cryogenically frozen. (about the only one I would actually agree with but it means making an entire new character and story and scrapping Kevinsanya)
- In a coma. (possible, completely screws the entire story not to mention the only way he would have survived the 4000 years brings back the power question again)
- Severely injured. (For 4000 years? One hell of an injury and to survive such an injury we would be screaming even more God-modness. If you're going along the lines of what happened to Exar Kun then it means following the laws of the undead. Either being trapped to one place (Kun) or unable to affect anything in the living world through one's own powers (Kenobi))
-Old memories in a new clone. (been done with Joruus C'boath)
-A timeless robot, lost for centuries. (I just don't see a robot being a Jedi. And the HRD droid (aka Guri) project (or Project Decoy) was made during the civil war between the Empire and the Rebelion. Where would they have gotten the memories of a Jedi from before Exar Kun's Sith war for this droid? The only noted holocrons were in control of Palpatine. And Luke's holocron was destroyed by ghost Exar Kun. Only one robot has even displayed Force potential in the SW universe.)
Author: Kevinsanya. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 02:09 PM
"It has taken two groups a sequence of vast scientific advancement to reach the point where they could manipulate time, and even then at significant cost to the traveller in question."

Please define.

"It sets a precedent for the future that we would really rather not establish."

Author: Beff Pike. Posted At: 12/03/2005 at 10:54 PM
I'm sure that, if you are as skilled a writer as your résumé indicates, you will be able to come to an agreement which is mutually beneficial to your character and acceptable by the staff and other members.

It is not up to the staff and other members to create alternate concepts for you. I'm sure that the community would be more then willing to offer up a few ideas (some not so polite, I'd imagine) but this really should be an undertaking you take on by yourself given the intimate creative nature of the character. You seem fairly adamant about keeping with your taken-from-time but it should be clear to you by now that this will not be an acceptable measure through which to bring said character into the galaxy.

I can appreciate your desire to preserve what you may have created elsewhere and, in doing so, transfer a treasured idea to a new medium; but perhaps you should consider the alternatives... and the implications there-of.

And let me assure you. I am not a godmodder. Nor am I a rookie.
Stop assuming I am either one.

And let me assure you; no one is assuming anything. We here at TRF do not bank on your previous accomplishments from other communities, and as such banking on your past Role-Play experience will not endear you to the Administrative staff or other members.

I do hope that you can find an acceptable solution where all parties will be reasonably satisfied.
Author: General Grevious. Posted At: 12/05/2005 at 12:31 AM