Biographies Archive

Revar "Wolf" Vralax
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12/10/2005 at 03:40 AM
Author: Wolf. Posted At: 12/10/2005 at 03:40 AM
(First try at a mini-bio in a long, long time.)

Revar "Wolf" Vralax

Sex - Male
Age - 24 standard years
Race - Human (Mandalorian descendants)
Height - 5'11"
Weight - 140 lbs.
Hair Color - Dark Brown
Eye Color - Hazel/Light Brown
Skin Color - Light Tan

A former commando and relatively unknown bounty hunter operating exclusively (Until very recently) in the Outer Rim, Revar Vralax, or "Wolf" as he'd come to be called by his prey, had been pursuing a rather lucrative contract, one that had found its way to the Astral Astoria space station.

Being the quiet sort that he is, and possessing a very strong moral code, Wolf is well known in hunter circles for only taking contracts out on criminals. Murderers, rapists, assassins, and anyone convicted of sexual assault top out on his list of...acceptable terminations. His present quarry is a violator of both the first and second items on that list.


Armor - Modified Scout Trooper armor, painted black; original salvaged from a corpse on the moon of Endor.
Weaponry - Short-barreled blaster rifle with scope and infrared attatchments, along with a small, easily concealable projectile pistol, and several thermal detonators.
Tools - Small fusion cutter and miniature explosive charges with remote detonator.


Skipray Blastboat, nicknamed "Solace", extensively altered to allow one pilot to operate all of its functions. Painted with a jet black polymer coat (The same substance used on the armor) to better hide it from sensor scans. Armament includes three ion cannons, two laser cannons, a proton torpedo tube, and a concussion missile launcher.

Craft is 25 meters long, has a large cargo compartment and living quarters, and its engines, tweaked by a pair of outlaw techs Wolf knew from his commando days, can reach speeds just surpassing that of a standard YT-1300 freighter. Hyperdrive is beaten up pretty badly, but still runs like it'd just left the factory line.