Biographies Archive

Myrkal Szat
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03/01/2006 at 12:51 AM
Author: Tavesh_Szat. Posted At: 03/01/2006 at 12:51 AM
A brief character description
Full Name: Myrkalinin Dro Aleph Tavesh Szat
Alias: Myrkal, Myrxx, and Shalafi.
Race: Gen'Dai
Racial Attributes: Extremely long lived, some historians say their are a few who have exceeded three thousand years. Heightened reflexes, dexterity, and strength. Massive nervous system allows for the blocking of pain.Highly regenerative.
Age: 234
Apparrent Age: 28
Height: 6'3
Weight: 225
Eyes: Bright azure green
Hair: Long curly and jet black.
Facial hair: Goatee and mustache
Tattoos: Sigil of the Antei Academy on right wrist.
Sigil of Thoth the god of wisdom on right shoulder
Sigil of Set the god of destruction and evil of left shoulder
Home Planet: Gen'Dai
Family: None alive, he hunted them down and killed them all.
Residence: His ship, the Progenitor Genatrix
Education: PHD in Ancient Archaeology
PHD in linguistics
PHD in Genetics
PHD in Sociology
PHD in Criminal Psychology
Other Training:
Formal apprenticeship to his grandfather as a Sith
On hand action training as a assassin for mercenaries
Edged weapons training similar to the art of Bushido.
Raised as a scholar that was the only part of his family that survived. His early history is not worth speaking of, most of it consisted of years and years of training and education.
When he turned 38 he killed his entire family except for his grandfather because they stood in the way of him moving to his grandfather. His grandfather had wanted him since birth to raise, but Myrkals parents and uncles interfered in this. They stated that he was an evil man and that being with him would make Myrkal evil. Finally he realized that they were standing between him and learning to use the force that was growing stronger and stronger in him. At his grandfathers request he killed the remainder of his family, making it appear like an accident so that he could take their money. This done his grandfather and him bought a ship and travelled for the next 116 years.
In this time Myrkal underwent intense personal training from his grandfather who was once a member of the Sith order over fifteen hundred years ago. He gained experience using it on the mercenary assassinations he took to help finance their travels and luxuries. He outdid his grandfather rather easily, having a higher midichlorian count. He had known this for fourty years before he decided he must go his own way. His grandfather protested this and in the ensuing period went to battle with eachother. As this occured Myrkal felt the dark side seeping deeper and deeper into him. His grandfather was the only thing in creation that he loved other than knowledge and the force, and to him the ultimate sacrifice for the things he held greater was to kill the last thing that he loved and revel in it. This he did. Slowly.
For hours he tortured his grandfather getting intense pleasure as he felt the dark side wrapping around him more and more. So much so that he assimilated torture into his scheme of growth in the force. That has not subsided at all. Instead it has increased.
Since that time he has grown into a rampaging demon in the places where he knows it will go undetected. He has traveled far and wide hunting out isolated small settlements of people which he would systematically kill and torture. In this way he grew stronger and stronger in the force. Mustering his abilities in the force to take out larger and larger settlements. Until five years ago he was doing this, when he decided that such a thing should take a backburner to his true passion, knowledge.
He has invested the money had had stolen from his victims and assassinations forming a group called Szat Research group, which was a archaeological organization focused on finding new secrets of the ancient sith. It is in this endeavor that his effort has went to. Yet from time to time he will take a pleasure cruise and wind up killing ten or twenty souls.

Aspirations and Goals:
He seeks enlightenment through the wisdom of the ancient Sith.
He is also seeking a mate, a woman of the dark side who will aid him in his endeavors and has a discerning mind with which to spar.