Biographies Archive

Sven Lucerne
Posted By
Corise Lucerne
Posted On
03/09/2006 at 09:17 PM
Author: Corise Lucerne. Posted At: 03/09/2006 at 09:17 PM
Name: Sven Lucerne
Hair:darker blond
Eyes: green blue
Height:1.67 meters
Weight: 67.9 kilograms
Fitness: Sven followed the rest of his family in its fitness training. He is in fairly good physical shape, spending over a hour a day on keeping physically fit. Aside from the typical weight-lifting and running, he routinely practices pistol marksmanship, vibro-fencing, and a form of integrated martial arts. He generally uses the martial excersises as a time to vent off anger, frustration,etc.

Background: Sven Lucerne, the younger brother of Corise Lucerne, was born on Kashan, in an upper family that founded Kashan Defence Industries. During his childhood, Kashan experienced rapid economic growth which brought much wealth to the planet. At first, the planet did not expand its defense force to compensate with the growth. After a pirate raid convinced the populace to expand its defence forces, the Lucerne family grew more wealthy.

Following in his brother’s footsteps, he attended the Kashan Defence University. There, he discovered his talent in piloting starfighters and other small craft. For a time, he served as the squadron commander of S9 Deathsabers, but soon became frustrated with the lack of action of the KDF. As such, he and multiple other Kashan flyers formed a mercenary squadron equipped with modified Gauntlet Starfighters. While they have participated mainly as armed escorts for convoys, the group has also seen action against various groups.

Despite his freelancer status, Sven still retains a loyalty to his family and home planet. Because his planet was isolationistic before, this never was a problem. But with the emergence of the Kashan people, Sven faces a new dilemna.

Fleet, this naval officer has come over to VindaCorp because of its similarities with Kashan Industries. He hopes to either work in the company’s R&D division or the Navy.