Biographies Archive

Char Aznable
Posted By
Darth Char
Posted On
04/04/2006 at 06:56 PM
Author: Darth Char. Posted At: 04/04/2006 at 06:56 PM
Char Aznable
Age: 22
Home Planet: Corellia
Heigth:1,8 m
Weigth: 75 KG
Hair: Black
Eye: Adamantine Blu
Clothes: Normally a Clonetrooper armour; if not Corellian uniform(red and Black)
Weapon: Blaster Carabine
Force Sentive: Yes

Char is born on Corellian; but he doesen't Know your parentes.
He grew in Orfanotrofium sìnce he was 10, when i fly away.
Char found a passage to Nal Hutta where,he belived, will live for the rest of his life robbing little sums of credits from the mechants.
A day he Robbed to a wrong one: the Criminal Boss Marbul The Hutt.
Instead of Punish him; Marbul seen in the little boy(Char was 15) a prospective to his work and trained him as Bounty Hunter.
For years Char worked for his master and savior since Marbul was killed by a rival crime lord, but leaving for him a last gift; an armour of Clonetrooper of the Clonewars.
Char wears it wherever he goes and with his carabine is the mark of his works
Infact after the death of Marbul; char become an indipendant Bounty Hunter working for who have more money to pay...
Author: Titus. Posted At: 04/04/2006 at 07:38 PM
Ok, first things first. The body of the bio looks good, you got all the basics correct. The english could use a little polish, but that's not a big deal. I've sent you a PM about that. Now that you've got a Bio you can do a few things. You could move over to the forum "Astral Astoria", and start a thread there (or interact with a few of the newer ones that are already there) or you could go to the forum "The Battlegrounds" and start a story there. Or you could scrounge around in the Group's section and find a group to join.

Personally I would start something in the Astral Astoria, and perhaps try find someone to mentor you by joining a group.