Biographies Archive

Bel Biography
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04/19/2006 at 10:03 PM
Author: War_Given_Form. Posted At: 04/19/2006 at 10:03 PM
Bel Biography

Name: Bel

Age: 213

Height: 6’11

Weight: 413 Lbs.

Race: Tan’Sha
The Tan’Sha

Hundreds of years ago, the Tan’Sha were a peaceful race of technologically advanced humanoids. They had pale red skin, and were on about a meter high. Despite their small stature and relatively weak nature, they quickly grew as a prosperous civilization, and spread their population to a few nearby planets.
But then there was a great disaster among their kind. It is unknown now exactly what happened, but scientists speculate there was a dormant quirk in their genetics that, after several millennia of development, finally sprouted in nearly 4/5ths of the population.
The Tan’Sha’s immune system became worthless, and their neurological functions began to slow to a grinding halt. In a matter of months, the majority of the population had either died, or resorted to a feral, animal-like state. The remaining Tan’Sha did what they could, but none of their scientific wonders could repair the defect in their genes.
With only a fraction of their population left, their scientists devised one final plan. A nearby star system was basically lifeless, due to its sun being a massively radioactive White Dwarf. The Scientists figured if they could harness it’s radioactivity to change the defective genes, but there were dire consequences.
The entirety of the Tan’Sha population, slightly over 3,000, climbed aboard their massive ships and flew to the unnamed planet under the White Dwarf. Scientists quickly began to test the effects of the radioactivity on some of the animalistic Tan’Sha. They figured out that a certain amount of radiation would render the gene useless, but also destroy much else of their DNA in the process. But there was no other way.
The Tan’Sha lived on the planet for several more decades. Though the gene that had destroyed them originally was now gone, adverse affects had taken place. The vast majority of the Tan’Sha developed grotesque mutations.
Some grew to massive heights, other grew extra pairs of arms or antennae. Few survived unscathed, and many that developed mutations died sometime later.
Scientists believe that almost 99% of the population died to the extreme radiation, but it is believed some still exists, though vastly mutated. The once proud race of Tan’Sha had mutated into ferocious, feral beasts in a matter of only a few decades.

Force Sensitive: Yes

Physical Description: Bel has survived a long period of time due to his great mutations, his life span greatly extended by the mutated DNA his parents passed onto him. Standing just shy of 7 feet, he has an extra pair of arms that are usually folded behind his back. His second pair, located on his lower back, are only slightly smaller than his normal pair. He can use these, with some difficulty, in conjunction with his regular pair. His skin is a light black color, with lines of orange running through it. His body is unusually muscled, though he sometimes had trouble coordinating his movements, due to his unnatural brain function. He has two great horns on his head, and a smaller row that moves down his back. His feet end in dense, cloved hooves.

Fighting/Force Abilities: Bel is Force Sensitive, though by mutation or fate is unknown. He can manifest virtually none of them yet, though he is able to generate a small aura of fear when he concentrates.

Bel enjoys fighting, melee especially. He believes it isn’t a real fight unless it’s up close. Though he is not intelligent, he is possessed of an animalistic cunning. Many have fallen to him for underestimating his tactical abilities. He tends to fight with his bare hands, using his razor sharp claws to rend foes, and his extra set of hands to catch them unexpectantly. He can also use his extra arms to help grapple an opponet.

Bel has several adverse side effects from the mutation. Though he has an advanced muscle mass due to the increased production of proteins, he also has a degenerative neurological system. He sometimes finds it difficult to do even simple tasks, such as walking. His healing systems seemed to be effected too. Some wounds will takes months to even begin healing, and some seem to mend themselves overnight. He has no way to control this.


Bel, as he calls himself, has been alive a very long time. Over two centuries, actually. He was born to a pair of heavily mutated parents, but has never learned anything of his family history, or his race’s past. He grew up on a desert planet in the Outer Rim. He spent his early years hunting small animals to survive, and hiding from the moisture farmers in the area.

Bel has lived a life of persecution for his appearance. It is rare he can speak with most people without garnering a hideous scream. A lifetime of being regarded as “evil” and “a monster” has set him upon his dark path.

He learned in his early years that murder and thievery could get him what he needed to survive. For the first years of his life, he lived as a vagrant of that backwater planet, pillaging and murdering to survive.

Eventually the people of the area hunted him down. Caught unaware in his makeshift cave-home, he was forced to fight off dozens of angry townspeople. Suffering grievous injuries, Bel flew into a monstrous rage, rending and maiming dozens with his talons. When his rage subsided, he was very near death. Only the kindness of a single nomad saved his life.

The nomad stayed with him, feeling some kind of sympathy for the beast, and attempting to teach him at least basic skills. For several months, the nomad nursed him back to health, and even taught him to speak Basic. The nomad told him he would be traveling on a merchant ship, and would take Bel with him.

Bel hesitantly agreed, and boarded the ship with him. The ship was traveling past an uncharted forest planet, when Bel felt a calling. He flew into a murderous rage, slaying his old friend and mentor, and demanding the pilot redirect course. The ship is now steadily advancing towards the unknown planet, and Bel stares hungrily upon the planet, his feral instincts guiding his every move.
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 04/26/2006 at 08:39 AM
I assume this is a new type of alien? If so, could I request some background information on said species? Perhaps where they come from, how long they tend to live, do they have any special powers non-Force related (eg: accelerated healing, heightened senses, etc, etc.)?

I wouldn't mind some more information on his past, perhaps even something about his personality, about his mind set and what he thinks. Is he more animal than sentient? Does he go into feral rages? etc, etc.

If this creation is original, then you have the chance to go into some depth and impress us. Other than that, I have to admit I'd at least need the above suggestions addressed before I can allow Bel into the Sith Order.
Author: War_Given_Form. Posted At: 04/26/2006 at 05:58 PM
I'll do a complete revision on Bel, including his race, his past, and his animalistic tendancies. I'll probably make him alot smaller too. He wasn't originally going to be a Sith, which accounts for the lack of some of the info.
Author: Vance Jas. Posted At: 04/27/2006 at 12:49 PM
Considerably better.

I'll reveiw your application to join the Sith Order, and once my fellow Masters have voted you will be contacted via PM with a reply.
Author: Recon Klain. Posted At: 04/29/2006 at 07:22 AM
just waiting on lup/