Biographies Archive

Circe Davian
Posted By
Circe Davian
Posted On
06/05/2006 at 02:28 AM
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 06/05/2006 at 02:28 AM

Imperial Captain and Visionary
Commander of the 356th "Triumphant" Fleet

Name: Circe Davian
Age: 37
Born: 3 I.E. [16 B.B.Y], Yaga Minor

Circe Davian was born on Yaga Minor during a period of Galactic Upheaval. A man who would rise to become one of the brilliant military commanders of his time began with humble origins. His father Perriniel Davian or Perrin, was an Imperial engineer who worked closely with the development of new starfighters that the Empire could have employed against Rebels. However in a time before the Rebel Alliance, his father's work went mostly unnoticed. But Perrin was a strong believer in the Imperial doctrine and instilled his beliefs in his son.

Circe's mother who had passed just after his birth his birth was once a prominent pilot in the Confederacy's mercenary corps. She was shot down over Felucia during the final hours of the War. Perriniel, a blind follower, never questioned the swift and almost instant resolution to the war. Circe always did. As he grew older he would learn that questioning something is what solidified one's belief and not a blind acceptance.

Circe became a member of the Emperor's Youth, a programme design to gear children toward Imperial service and obedience. Circe was accepting of the programme's teachings at least for the time.

However, when he was of age to enter into the Imperial Academy and was signed up by the Youth he declined to enter training and demanded his name be taken from the enlistee list. It was denied and he was shipped to Carida to begin training. Circe rebelled as he was expected to and professors at the Academy gave him room to do so. But eventually he fell in line when his superiors noticed his aptitude for tactics and leadership.

By the time of the Rebel victory at Endor, Circe Davian was co-captain aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer: The Skullprey. Shocked at the defeat and outraged that his leader and a glorious leader at that, had been killed by some rebel agent he asked Captain Tourin of the Skullprey to begin regrouping. However Tourin had harboured ill-will for the Emperor and his Empire and said no. He instead began transmissions with the Rebels.

Immediately Circe called a mutiny and killed Tourin with a blaster shot to the head. The young and now Captain Circe Davian regrouped with the remnants of Endor as they planned strategic evaluation and tried to make sense of the mess. Circe was ordered to the Outer Rim. However on the fringes of Outer space he was defeated by a Chiss battle fleet and taken prisoner. He was imprisoned on Formbi for longer than Circe could keep count before he organised an escape. Managing to get some aid from guards he staged the his death to get himself escorted outside of his cell. What ensued afterward was a fourteen hour battle before they we're killed or arrested by Chiss soldiers. Aristocrata Syndi'ta'ourndo arranged his and what was left alive of his crew to be escorted out of Chiss space in order to prevent any further incident.

The galaxy he returned to was much different than when he left it. The Empire had been reorganized into the New Order and the rebels [or what he pictured as the rebels] had done so as well. Their new form as the Galactic Coalition was a thorn in the Emperor's side.

Circe retrieved his rank as Captain, despite his questionable taking of the rank and returned to his orders. Possibly out of revenge, Circe set his sights on Formbi -- ravaging the ruling Chiss before claiming it in the name of the New Empire as his first victory. He allowed Syndi'ta'orundo to remain ruler of the planet, but demanded he follow the directorate of the New Order and for spare of his life, Synd followed Circe's command.

Afterwhich High Command awarded the veteran Captain with command of his very own battlefleet. The 356th was formerly of an elderly Admiral's command, after his death Circe was a choice amongst other possibilities, but his recent and swift victory tipped the scales in his favour. Nicknamed the "Triumphant" because the trio of ships had never suffered defeat since it's inception, Circe's flagship, the Skullprey took the helm with him in charge. An aging, but very loyal Captain Davian now stalks the Outer Rim armed the the Triumphant fleet he aims to "spare the vanquished and subue the proud.."

More to come...

Note: I plan on applying at the New Order as well.
Author: Kach Thorton. Posted At: 06/12/2006 at 03:42 PM
Good. It's nice to see an appllicant who dosn't have two sketchy paragraphs that say "He is a master at everything and stronger than yoda in the force," which basically sums up the bios of the last two or three of our applicants.
Author: Circe Davian. Posted At: 06/12/2006 at 03:47 PM
Thank you. I won't even bother to look at those, I believe I know who you speak of, and they are growing on my nerves.