Biographies Archive

The History Of Spiritius
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06/28/2006 at 06:33 AM
Author: UrbanSpiritUK. Posted At: 06/28/2006 at 06:33 AM
My home planet was a place of lies and deceit, corruption and fraud but still I could do nothing but wait in patience. Day after day, the corrupt government would pass laws which seemed inhumane to myself, yet to those people it was entertainment. My home planet was Xionti.

I wandered the streets one day, waiting for the moment when the people would rise up against the government, yet the day never seemed to come. They had turned a blind eye to the destruction that the government had caused across the lands. I felt helpless...

As the night drew near, I had a sudden urge to take out my sniper, yet I didn't know why I had this urge. I walked to the top of my home, laying the sniper in position towards the government building and luckily, there was the president of Xionti standing in the window with his back turned.

As I steadied myself for a shot, I realised that to overthrow the government, I need to kill not just the president but his council also. But as the thought ran through my head, the trigger suddenly flew back and released a shot straight into the back of the president's head.

As his council crowded around him, I knew that I must make another shot...Boom! Another shot rattled off my sniper into the heart of his adviser. I saw people run for their ships down at the bottom of the building and as they did so, I picked off smaller members of the government.

When I knew that the government was never to be again, I called to the people from the top of the building.
"People, you are free from the oppression! You are free from fear and you are free from the wickedness and greed the government has forced upon you! Now I tell you, make a government of our people, for your people, by the people!" I claimed and they all shouted cheers in unison as I ran towards my ship.

Yet as I was running I heard shots fired in my direction, the government guards were close on my tail. I slipped out my blaster and turned and took aim. There were roughly around 7 of them and I took one down with ease. I turned again and ran and ordered my ship to be ready. As I approached my ship, I dived onto the floor and began shooting at the bunch of guards, taking down 3 with 6 shots. As they slowed to help their friends, I climbed into my ship and flew off to my dream place, Astral Astoria.