Biographies Archive

Darami Alexin
Posted By
Darami Alexin
Posted On
07/23/2006 at 06:02 PM
Author: Darami Alexin. Posted At: 07/23/2006 at 06:02 PM
General Character Details:
Name: Darami Alexin
Relations: Relatives - Deceased
Age: 32
Race/Racial characteristics: Human
Affiliation: Light
Home World: Theed, Naboo
Primary Weapon(s): None as present.

Height: 6"0' - 6"1'
Hair Color/Style/Texture: Chestnut brown. Short and trimmed close to the base of his collar at the back. The front is trimmed to produce a small fringe and the sides are shaved close to the top of his ears.
Eye Color/Shape: Deep blue. Almond shaped.
Identifying Marks/Features: His eyes are quite bright, and stand out from the darkness of his hair. They seem to reflect the sea, as if looking at it from a distance.
Skin Tone: Tanned
Build: Athletic/Muscular, Well-built.
Other: A Celtic band tattoo on his right upper arm.

Other Character Details:
Personality: Darami is a wise and determined fellow. He is determined to follow the rules of nature and society within reason and thus believes in the power of destiny and fate. He is kind-hearted with a strong deep belief in empathy with can often lead to mistakes and flaws within the tasks and goals that he sets himself.

His mind is set upon the philosophical and psychological workings of the mind yet his thoughts often drift to how he can improve himself and can the respect of others. Darami is a deep-thinking man with a kind heart and the belief in the power of justice and law thus he often tries to stop villainous acts of his own accord.

Darami is respected within the communities that he travels to and is known to offer his personal advice to those who come to him. He is known on some planets as the 'Receiver of Sin', which could be translated that Darami receives the troubles of others and takes it upon himself to redeem these sins through advice and personal counsel.

Though it may seem that Darami is often looked upon as a stern and wise character, Darami is also known to play the fool for the younger ones and often entertains other with his evident immaturity and sense of fun which is why Darami often travels to different planets; to entertain and to guide.

Darami has also been known to learn the knowledge of a person's secrets and problems which means that Darami is thought of trust-worthy by others and has the power and strength to behold these secrets; even to relatives and even when his under interrogation by federal officers which has happened in his lifetime.

Belongings: Darami carries few possessions except for those that he has been given by others. He owns many clothes, all of which are business orientated and show a sense of style and commitment by Darami.

He carries a photograph of his family, all of who are deceased which helps Darami on some his most difficult tasks. He also owns a cross on a chain which Darami keeps close to his heart; though he is not religious.

History: Darami was born in Theed, Naboo on the 22nd of December. His parents were business folk and known within the city of Theed for their strength and determination to complete tasks which gives the idea that his personality came from his parents.

When he turned seventeen, his parents were murdered in a brutal attack by the Sith who hid within the confines of their homes. Usually. At this point, Darami was distraught and angry yet he knew that he could let this fallback bring him down and Darami traveled to Coruscant to become Jedi.

As Darami learnt that he would be taught under the authority of Master Katarn and alongside another student, one Ben Firestar, Darami was pleased that he would learn the skills of a Jedi.