Biographies Archive

Deadar Tiin
Posted By
Deadar Tiin
Posted On
07/29/2006 at 10:56 PM
Author: Deadar Tiin. Posted At: 07/29/2006 at 10:56 PM
Name: Deadar Tiin

Species: Iktotchi

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Weight: 195 lbs (88 kg)

Height: 6'4" (191 cm)

Homeward: Ikotch

Clothing: Black uniform with a red collar and cuffs. Knee high black leather boots

Weapons: Blaster


Deadar was born on Iktotch around 39 years after the Battle for Yavin. His father was
a mechanic a the local garrison motor pool, so at a early age he was fairly skilled
with vehicle mechanics.
At the age of twelve he and a couple of friends was racing through the windy canyons
on the outskirts of town on swoop's they built them selves from scrap. At the age
of sixteen they had upgraded to highly modified T-16's, able to cope with
the highly unstable winds on Iktotch.

But Deadar was always aiming higher and higher, so when he was 17 he applied to the
Iktotch Defense Force's space fleet academy. He was accepted and set to train as a
fighter and light transport pilot. After 3 years of training in everything a IDF
Warpilot needs to know, from tactics and piloting to hand to hand combat, Deadar was
assinged to Wind squadron, a squad of 12 A-wing's patrolling a
asteroid mining facility in the outer rim of the Iktotch system.

OOC: I know this is kinda short, but I am going to write a thread that should add to the depth of Deadar