Biographies Archive

Posted By
Christian Crusader
Posted On
10/07/2006 at 08:38 PM
Author: Christian Crusader. Posted At: 10/07/2006 at 08:38 PM

His life is shrouded in mystery to those who do not know him. Indeed, few who do know him have acquired the full story of his life. His story, like his name, is embedded deep within him, its full context not spoken, only visible in the outer manifestations of his character.

He began his life like most youth on Corellia, attending the Corellian General Education Academy. He had a good home and close family. That was before the dark times. Before the Empire. Weeks before the Battle of Corellia he was out with some friends wandering along one of the beaches of Corellia. He and his companions were there to relax after their final year planet side, before they moved on to more advanced training. Nothing out of the ordinary for a young Corellian man.
It was there, while alone, on the beach during a particularly bright night that his life changed. A bright spear of light came shooting down from the violet canopy of space and landed nearby him. Stunned, but curious, suspecting it to be a crashed fighter or escape pod, he investigated. What he found was a thick tome in a black binding. Written in a language he had never seen before. Looking around his head swirled and he fell into a deep sleep. As he slept he had a vision. Of a man, of God. When he awoke he was a new man and could read the words in The Book. He was filled with a new found joy and sought to share this with his friends. When he tried to explain what had happened they merely laughed at him and questioned whether he had been knocking back some of Corellia's famous ale.

The rest of the vacation was spent in an awkward silence. The young man contemplated returning home, unable to explain the Truth to his old friends. He had nearly finished packing when the holonet came alive displaying the furious battle in the skies. The Empire and Rebels were engaged in a furious struggle over the planet. His home. His eyes were awide as the events unfolded before him.
Rushing out of his lodging to find his friends, he and the others watched anxiously for the results of the struggle. The young men had grown up with stories of the "New Order" and its fall. Every one of them had studied their parents and grandparents struggles with great interest and a pride that is born of the glossy sheen of nostalgia. They became horrified to see the Empire emerge from the wreckage of vicious affair, as victors... conquerors of Corellia. The troops began landing.

The fighting ended and a garrison left. The young man and his friends had yet to return home. Transportation was hard to arrange as the old government was swept away in favor of the new. It was during one night while heading back to their lodgings that they saw a few gleaming white outlines near the water's edge. They had a dark form amongst them and seemed to be pushing it between themselves as they formed a circle around it. Sneaking quietly closer, the young men found that it was a person. No two... A woman and child. From the jeers and wild ramblings of the troops, they seemed to be drunk. As they watched, the woman was given a shove and when the woman landed in the awaiting arms of one of the stormtroopers it sent the stormie off his footing and careening into the sand. The woman tried to crawl away but was held by the others as the now embarrassed and enraged trooper stood back up, knocking the wet, grainy sand off his otherwise gleaming armor.

What happened next the young man will never forget. The trooper reached for his E-11 and it was that moment that one of his friends sprung from the hiding spot and ran at full speed, yelling at the top of his lungs, the most violent war cry any of them had ever heard. He seemed intent to bowl over the trooper with the blaster. He never made it half way. The blast rang out, a single shot. His friend dropped with sickening speed. The young man could barely breathe. How could that have just... one of his friends beside him jumped out of cover and yelled out! The drunken troopers realizing that occupiers or not, they couldn't just kill a citizen. They began to charge the young man and his friend's position. Everyone scattered. The young man was the fastest of the group. In fact, when he retold the story he often reflected that as he ran it seemed time around him had seemed to slow. He could not figure out how he escaped.

Once to safety he looked back to find the others were no where in sight. Doubling back using alleyways and cover he found his way back to the beach and saw the woman on the ground curled up, her back to a lone trooper, guarding her young child. The young man had to act. Silently with gradually increasing speed. The wind whipped around him as he charged from the stormtrooper's blind side. Wordlessly he sent a prayer up to his new found Lord and leaped. Again time seemed to slow and the world around still. The trooper never had a chance to respond. He was on him and immediately he tore the trooper's blaster from his holster and leapt back leveling the weapon at the downed soldier, still too groggy to understand how he had fallen to the ground or why his weapon was gone. The young man gestured to the woman to run and gave her his card to access his lodge. The woman and child ran off, leaving the young man alone with the trooper. For a moment the wild thoughts of vengeance played in his mind. Deep inside he knew his friends had been killed. He could not say aloud that that was why they hadn't caught up to him. He had this trooper at his mercy. A symbol of the evil of days past and of his people's subjugation. He could end this miserable travesty to justice right then and there... but the young man heard in his heart the voice he had heard in his vision. The words of The Book came to mind. Backing away slowly with the weapon still trained on the soldier, he got to safety and then fled back to his lodging. There he and the woman and her child fled back to his home. They were now fugitives from the Empire.

After that not much is known. He doesn't speak much of why his name vanished, nor where he and his family went. Nor of the young woman and the child. All that he speaks of now is the Truth, and freedom. He longs for it. For his people... for the Galaxy.