Biographies Archive

Tarvaris Anderson
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Tarvaris Anderson
Posted On
10/29/2006 at 10:36 PM
Author: Tarvaris Anderson. Posted At: 10/29/2006 at 10:36 PM
Character Name: Tarvaris Anderson
Alias: TA

Character Physical Description: TA appears to be a pretty common human lacking any distinguishing features. He walks with a slow aloof gait that only elevates his already imposing stature. He wears his hair cut short to keep the crisp blond locks from his eyes. His body type is of an athletic muscular man standing just under 6 feet tall.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 184
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type: Muscularly Athletic
Skin Tone: Slight tan

Brief Character History: Tarvaris was born on the great planet of Corellia. As a child he was like the planet itself a loner. He preferred his time by himself more then he did time with others. This made little sense to anyone who knew him for he appeared well liked by all and was quite an exceptional athlete. He specialized in fencing and wrestling. The two went hand in hand as with wrestling he became tough and quick on his feet and with fencing he learned the fine art of sword fighting. These enabled him to be a very tough kid that no one wanted to mess with. With the combined strengths of these he could beat someone up armed or un-armed. In many fights he seemed to know what was going to happen as if he was guided by some omni-present force therefore his coaches always supported and told him to trust his instincts. This served him well in the years after his happy youth.

The happy youth mentioned in the previous paragraph came to an abrupt end with the death of his parents. They died at the hands of bounty hunters, sent for reasons that Tarvaris never knew. They attempted to kill Tarvaris as well but relying on his instincts and already well-practiced arts of combat he survived. Following the surviving murderers Tarvaris hijacked an old Corellian Corvette from a near by hangar bay. Firing off after the bounty hunters he used the weapons systems to blow them out of the sky, however he was unable to kill all of them. That is when he sent out on his mission to hunt down these bounty hunters and kill them with his very own hands.

Following any leads he could find his personal mission ended up not taking very long. Killing off all those who murdered his parents, sadly he never found out why they had been killed. With his mission completed he had no reason to return home and wanted to start making a living. That is when he hooked up with a pirating group. It seemed to be where he should be after all he had been through.